
Ok! back to large tires topic ,How about longer diameter tires at the same time , making them narrower ?

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Continuatiom from previous question,"If larger tires run longer distance , why not make cars to ber fit with larger tires?"

For the back of the car ,narrower and longer diameter tires can be made to weight as much as present tires. Front tires can be made smaller for better turns. Of course, front tires must be fitted lower to keep the car is parallell to the road and the back tires higher, for the same purpose. Any body wants to continue?




  1. It would not work due to aerodynamics for the car and you would also have a safety issue as well.

  2. One of the first things a manufacturer does is decide on the tyres that will fit the vehicle and everything from then on, the suspension, brakes chassis. Doing what you suggest would make any car completely unstable and dangerous at even walking speed. It may be ok for dragsters, but everything is designed for that purpose, not for driving on the road.

    Car manufacturers do design cars with up to 20" wheels(apart from pick ups and other commercial vehicles) and tyre manufacturers then develop tyres to suit, using different tread patterns and compound to give the best length of life for the price you are willing to pay. Remember the wheels have to be inside the wheel arches, so with your suggestion you would need steps to get in the car.

  3. Why are you so focused on changing tire sizes? What car manufacturers provide sure seem to work.

    First it seems like you want everybody to put humongous tires on their cars, and now you want 'longer' diameter, narrower tires. You thinking bicycle tires maybe?

    There is a lot of engineering in the geometry of a cars suspension, and tire size makes up a large portion of it. At first I was thinking you maybe wanted 60" diameter tires on something like a Mini Cooper. Now you're saying to put bicycle tires on it.

    Please don't post questions just so you can see stupid questions on line ...oops! I just remembered, "there are no stupid questions."  

    Hey, there's a first time...

    BTW, a 'diameter' is not made 'longer'. You can make the diameter of a circle larger or bigger.

  4. What you should do is down head to your nearest Nissan dealership and get a car if you're worried about your tires lasting longer.  They put nitrogen in their tires

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