
Ok bare with me this will be long there is a girl that lives 6 hours from me we ar both 12 and I'm really?

by  |  earlier

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y shy and i dont no what to do please help




  1. oh dont worry

    your only twelve

    its a little crush

    that youll get over

  2. 12 is a little young to get worried about something like that, you can make more friends at school or something. Just talk on the phone, chat just be friends, 6 hours is a long way to go just to see someone. Also when you aren't talking face to face with someone you wont get as nervous because you cant see them- and you can think more before you say something. I recommend just chatting and e-mailing each other.

    Do you like this girl?

  3. get a girl that lives around you

  4. First of all you're only 12 years old.. and second 6 hours is pretty far away. How are you guys even going to see each other? It's pointless. Anyways... if you really want to be in a relationship then talk to her on MSN or on the phone or something. Just start small talk

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