
Ok birth mothers....?

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to all the birthmothers out there i want to ask "do you know what a wonderful thing you have done?"

i was adopted and have read some very negative things one here about and toward birthmothers. i just want to take the time to let all of you have the chance to voice how you feel about being some of the most selfless people that have ever walked the earth.

from an adoptee to all birthmothers....THANK YOU FOR GIVING US A CHANCE!!!




  1. I gave my daughter up in 1972. I found her in 2001, she was almost 30. It's been a pretty good reunion, some issues of course. She makes the rules and that is fine with me. She calls me by my first name and her children do too. We have both had counseling. I'm so happy that she has a wonderful mother and they have a great relationship. I'm lucky to know this wonderful woman, my birthdaughter.

  2. i hope he feels the same way you do. Hes only 9 now. Your parents and in saying that i mean the parents who were there for you thru scraped knees and homework and such, have raised a very loving, understanding daughter. They should be very proud of themselves!

  3. THANK YOU!!! I tell my sons' birthmothers how special they are all of the time!!! They are angels!!!!

  4. I kinda agree with withoutatribe.  You don't really know the circumstances surrounding your adoption.  Do you?  If you met her and she told you she really didn't want you at all and couldn't afford an abortion, I'm curious how that would affect your views about her.  I'd feel sorry for her myself.

  5. you probably have no clue how bad i needed to hear that i recently put my daughter up for adoption. i haven't seen her since i left the hospital but i know the  adoptive parents well. im afraid of what my daughter will think of me because i recently found out im pregnant again but i know in my heart i cant go through the pain i went through when i let Taylor go.  i often think maybe i could have kept her but i just try to tell myself  that her family can provide much better than i could have and at least now she will have a father that truly loves her. but i'm always going to miss her maybe one day i can get the courage to visit her she's going to be 1 in dec. her adoptive parents want me to be involved in her life but im too scared to go i'm afraid i wont be able to take the pain of letting her go all over again.

  6. Beautifully said!  I, too, celebrate and honor birthmothers, who are some of the most giving and loving mothers in the world.

  7. I have a 9mth old son and he is the JOY of my life.  I know of 2 families that have adopted children (one family adopted 3 children and the other a 5yr old).  They are all so much in love.  I hope your parents were and still are good to YOU :)

  8. Thank you so much for that beautiful message!  I gave my daughter up for adoption 23 years ago.  My father and stepmother actually forced me to make that decision.  I wanted to keep her and marry her father, but my father would not allow that to happen.  I have missed her everyday of her life and can only pray that she will want to find me one day and that we will be able to have a relationship.

  9. what makes you think you wouldn't have had a chance WITH your first mother who surrendered you? do you know if it was voluntary? do you know that she really WANTED to give you up, or maybe she was desperate and had no other choice and has spent a lifetime of grieving because of it. I mean, to thank her for giving you a chance is so.... typical of brainwashing. It can be compared to the feeling people tell adoptees to "be happy you weren't aborted" nobody knows if abortion was an option. Nobody knows anything about the circumstances to your adoption except your first mother and until you here it from her mouth, I wouldn't be assuming that shes happy with her decision, or that you couldn't have had a good life with her.

  10. What a beautiful sentiment.  As an adoptive mother, I couldn't agree with you more.  To know that there is a wonderful set of parents out there who gave our family the best gift we could receive is amazing.  I will never be able to experience the joy of pregnancy, but I am able to experience the joy of Motherhood and family thanks to their wonderful gift.  Words will never express my gratitude or the love I hold in my heart for both the birth mother and the birth father.  Without them, I would not have a family.  I am blessed because of their union.  

    From this adoptive mother to all birth parents out there - THANK YOU for giving me the chance to be a mother!

  11. Good for you for giving birth mothers props!

    Even though our adopted daughters' history isn't rosey and perfect, we're very careful to never say negative things about their birth mother or birth father.  We know that, although they made some bad choices, they were doing the best that they knew how and were capable of doing.  If not for their birth mother we couldn't have those two girls who we love so much!

  12. Yes Rachel I do know what a gift it is to have my children & if for some reason I was'nt able to have children of my own then I would definately adopt.You have been on my friends list for a long time you should IM me sometime   : )

  13. I was also adopted and I feel the same way! I saw a question earlier about a girl who had an abortion at 22 weeks. If my birth mother had done that, I would not be here today.

  14. i just wanted to say that i have 2 beautiful sons but i gave my daughter up for adoption 6 yrs ago.  It was the most difficult decision i had to make in my life but it wads the right decision, i allowed another family incapable of having children experience the joy of raising my daughter. Although she was born on my birthday and it hurts that time of year i have no regrets and i'm glad i did what i did.
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