
Ok cold sore problem how do i get rid of it before tonight..?

by Guest32663  |  earlier

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ahhhhh ok well im goin out tonight and altho i have nothing to wear yet thats not the point here just that i have woke up thismorning with a huge bubble on my lip! think its a coldsore and you can realy see it any way of me getting rid of it by tonight? please help me thankx




  1. pyralvex or gumtek

  2. you will not like this, but i dont think that you can. cold sore problems as usually due to herpetic infections mostly HSV1 (research about it). There is no "once and for all" treatment for it, once you are infected they will recur ever several months to one year. Acyclovir, especially if taken early when noticing a cold sore can shorten the breakout period (but not within a single day) and decrease the number of breakouts. one last thing, HSV1 is very infectious so no good night kiss tonight and no sharing spoons drinks ... etc

  3. pimple" tooth paste

    cold sore nada you can do except abriva

  4. You wont get rid of it by tonight - thats a very unrealistic goal.  Put aftershave on it, the alcohol dries it out.

  5. toothpaste

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