
Ok. dairy qween and mcdonald lovers....

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ok i was on my way home there was a dairy qween and a mcdonalds at the same corner. both easy to get to and to get out.... if you were in my shoes which one would you go to, what would you get, and why to both questions...... i ll post mine when i pick best answer....




  1. Dairy queen MacDonald's supports g*y wads  

  2. I like them both. I would go to Dairy Queen because ice cream sounds so good right now. I like Blizzards and dip cones either dipped in chocolate or cherry. I also like the chicken breast strips, gravy & Texas Toast with fries and onion rings.  

  3. Dairy Queen

    Why? Mcdonalds makes me want to throw up nowadays(I used to love it), I LOVE ice cream, I LOVE Dairy Queen and I'm in the mood for a blizzard right now.

    OH does the question mean I have to love both mcdonalds and dairy queen? I thought it was one or the other >_< Oh well lol.

  4. dairy queen cause i love me some ice cream and theirs is always good no matter when u get  it  

  5. Honestly they both taste good but ice cream would melt unless you are getting a hot dog or something but I would choose Dairy Queen.

  6. Dairy Queen. I love their food. And their Blister's. Especially their mud Pie

  7. Mcdonald's is amazing, but it's what you like more.

  8. first i would go to dq get a large strawberry malt with extra malt because they have the best ice cream then my malt and i would go across the street to micky-ds get a fresh order of fries then i would dip my frys in my malt that way i get the best of both and my taste-buds are totaly happy for me giving them such a great tasting treat

  9. dairy queen.they have better hamburgers,they have  good chicken strip and steak finger baskets,and their blizzards are much better the mcdonald's mac flurries.

  10. I'd go to the Dairy Queen. I gave up McDonald's a long time ago due to a horrible food poisoning incident.

    While at DQ, I'd order a hamburger and an oreo Blizzard. I'd order these because their hamburgers are actually pretty tasty. The oreo Blizzard is great too because the cookie become slightly soft while still crunch and it doesn't have an overpowering chocolate flavor.

  11. i would go to mcdonalds. they are more consistent. you know what you are in for everytime. I feel like dairy queen is inconsistent and varies with each place that you go to.  

  12. dairy queen...

    -More choices for ice cream

    -Food there is simple

    -I would get some type of Cookie dough ice cream or a banana split!

    -Food there...probably something not too filling since I"ll be getting ice cream.

    How can you compare the two??? *shrugs*

  13. dairy queen...i like there slushys but id probablly get a snickers blizzard or brownie batter

  14. I'd go with DQ, only because DQ is actually becoming scarce where I live. Other icecream places are taking over here - Coldstone Creamery, Maggie Moos, Brusters, etc. DQ's icecream is classic and reminds me of childhood (especially the blizzards!) And their food is delicious, too.

    You find McDonalds just about anywhere.

    They used to have a delicious spicy burger at DQ. If they still have that, it'd be my choice (I love spicy sandwiches.) I would get either a cotton candy blizzard (though it was only limited time) or Chocolate Extreme or French Silk Pie blizzard.

  15. honestly, I would go to both   :)

    I'd get a double-cheeseburger at McD, & just a basic vanilla cone or hot fudge sundae at DQ

  16. I would go with Dairy Queen because it isn't as unhealthy

    and Ice cream is delicious there. Although McDonald's has pretty good fries...but if you wanna stick to the healthier stuff go with DQ.

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