
Ok does anyone else think phelps really lost that 7th race?

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by looking at the screen i feel like phelps lost that last race..what do you think?




  1. h**l no. im a swimmer. the touchpad doesnt lie.

  2. He did win, they have touch pads to tell who touched first also it looked like they touched at the same time with the naked eye but you cant see one hundredth of a second with the naked eye. But they have special sensors for moments like that.

  3. To me it comes down to the difference between touching the touchpad versus activating the touchpad.

  4. Cavic won,its clear.Read this

  5. I think he did win. The touch pad is very accurate. It will be questioned because of who he is and what he has already won.

  6. Let me say, I wanted him to win.  I want USA to win all the medals, but, I do not believe he touched that pad first.  They only showed the overhead view a few times, because it was obvious that he did not touch it first.  Even Bob Costas said "Sometimes you need a little bit of luck when you are trying to get 8 medals".  They showed the race again an hour or so after it happened, right before they ended the coverage.  I recorded it and watched it about 10 times. In the replay, they look like they are going to show the overhead view (which makes it look like he lost) and then right before either of the two men touch, they transition to an underwater camera that is unclear and angled, making it impossible to see who really touched first.  Watching the overhead view makes it clear, but they don't show that view on TV anymore because it proves he lost.  The only time they showed that view was right after the race.  It's 3:00am and they are showing the network replay.  I am so watching and recording it.  As for now, he lost in my mind.  We have not heard the end of this.

  7. I am very sorry but I think he lost that race.....after what happened with the wrestler I think there might be some kind of control for the olimpics which is very dissapinting.

  8. h**l YEA HE WON IT!!! fair and square

  9. Watch Michael Phelps videos at Beijing 2008 Olympic swimming finals below

    Complete collection of 8 Gold Medals Videos

  10. I do! It's a bullsh*t! Cavic touched it 1st!

  11. Phelps absolutely lost the 7th! The video is there for everyone to see and thats why the Serbians have filed a protest.

    Everyone knows the touchpad is sensitive but it malfunctions as it happened in Asian championship and even world championship in the past.

    Sorry Phelps, you are a great athlete but the 7th is not yours!!

    Spitz was a better natural athlete!!!

    (please watch the video before you start abusing me :)

  12. I think it did appear very close and from some angles it looks like Phelps lost, but it is too close to tell visually.  And while the touch pads are not perfect and have been known to trigger before someone actually touches, I think these results are correct.  When it is that close, you have to go with what the sensors display.

  13. I think he won. Omega reviewed the high speed cameras (after the Serbian coach protested), and the high speed clips they showed on NBC showed he probably did it. But even in slow-mo it's hard to tell if they touched at the same time or 0.01 seconds apart. It would be a real scandal if those touchpads weren't accurate.

  14. it does look like he lost but when they played super slow motion, you could deff. tell tat he touched first. trust me, no one is faster than phelps.

  15. I definitly think Michael won. the touchpads shows. Those touchpads are like the most sensitive in the world. Thats why they use those. For senarios like this. They naked eye cant really catch tiny details like those. Its all in the touchpads.

  16. I am American and I wanted Phelps to win, but the camera is clear that Cavic touched a split second earlier than Phelps. He might not have touched it hard enough to set off a sensor but none the less he touched it first. It was clear from the overhead camera that Cavic won and it would have been even more clear if they would have allowed you to see the underwater camera. Isn't anyone curious why they haven't allowed you to see the underwater camera??? Phelps is worth too much money for sponsors and the Olympic officials to rule against. Congratulations Phelps, you just proved that you don't have to be the fastest to win.... just the most popular.

  17. touch pad don't lie!

  18. Nope.  The touch pad and overhead view (with the Omega timer)show he won.  I think it is hard to really tell by watching it on TV and also because it was so incredibly fast.  

    They have shown the end from many different angles (including the underwater) and I really think Phelps won.  Heck, the Serbians mounted a protest right after and it was rejected because it had no merit.  It was a great and exciting race.  

    I thought I might add this quote from Cavic found on NBC's webpage, "If it was up to me, I would just drop the protest," said Cavic, who swam collegiately at the University of California-Berkeley. "I'm stoked with what happened. I don't want to fight this."

    Now, if it were me and I thought I had really truly won the Gold I certainly wouldn't capitulate.  He certainly thinks in a rematch he would win based on the speed of the race but it seems to me he accepts the fact that Phelps finished in first.  Good for him, Cavic seems like a class act.

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