
Ok does this mean anything?

by Guest61453  |  earlier

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alright so i've been talking to this guy for a little while, nothing big or anything, we're just acquaintances. well i think he's cute and stuff but i'm not like IN LOVE with him or anything.

anyway. so last night i had this dream. It was me and him and we were in New York ( my fav. city [just referencing]). we were standing across from an apartment building which had to be either mine or his and we were standing in front of a department store window. well, out of no where, he kissed me, just once. then we went up to the apartment. the dream ended but i got like an implication that we had s*x.

i think it's weird cuz i BARELY know this guy. and in the dream he kissed me ONCE then we went and did something alot more serious.

anybody have any clue as to what it might mean?




  1. the unreal voodo fantasy i have one before too it doesnt mean anything i think your just thinking about work too much take a small walk & clear your mind it helps =)

  2. I think it means that even though ur mind is saying that u don't like this boy ur subconscious is saying that u do.

    New York is as u say ur fave city.

    The kissing means that u want him to like u bak.

    The s3x means that u either just wanna have s3x with someone or u wanna have s3x with him.

    I hope it helps.

  3. it doesn't mean anything really. it just is that you are attracted to him and its coming thru in your dreams. Now what you need to do is get your dream to be a reality. go after him =) good luck

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