
Ok first off every where i go i see the same thing...?

by  |  earlier

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its 666 please nobody say im making this up of ill tell u a couple things i woke up this morning and noticed 6 lines across my leg and some wiered lookin dot idk what it was but im so scared i had my lunch number as 666 and every time i try to add somethin up it equals 666! wtf to do please i need help help plz what that means? could it just be a coinsedence and im not crazy please i cant take it any longer someone tell me im not crazy...




  1. That is considered the mark of the Devil.  You might see a priest about it.

  2. That's because you are worried about a mistranslation of the words contained in the book of the New Testament written by John of Patmos. It isn't a number. It's a mantra-like chant of a name. Sounds like some prior conditioning by fundamentalist Christians who also fret about "Armageddon", when John was referring to the village of Megido in Israel that was the site of one of the first recorded battles in the history of mankind.  

  3. not to worry. despite the satanic meaning to 666, it's also a sequential

    number. just like there are addresses or license plates or there is that sequence of number in a telephone number means nothing. it's a sequence of numbers that happen just like any other set of numbers, means nothing. sleep in peace.

  4. Crazy no, too many horror films yes!

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