
Ok for all those people involved in child care..?

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Who is Bowlby and what did he influence? Do you know of any other people who influenced child development other than Pavlo, Skinner, Bandura, Vygotsky, Burner, Kohlberg and Freud? And is there any web sites that you know of that could help me in SVQ level 3 of childrens care, learning and development? Thanks.




  1. Not too sure about Bowlby, never studied him. Have you tried Maslow, Erikson, Piaget, or Gardner? All very good theories.

    A simple google search should turn up more than enough info on them.

  2. Bowlby explored social and emotional development more specifically attachements. He was well known for his belief that how a child attached to parent as a baby will effect them for the rest of their lives-how they develop as toddlers, how they settle at school, relationships as they grow older. He believed children needed a strong bond with their parents (particulary the mother) in order to grow and develop successfully. He involved things like the transition and settling in of children in education settings, hospitalisation of children or the parents shortly after birth etc.

    Sheridan, Piaget, Montessori, Steiner...they are the main other ones i can think of that arent in your list.

    I use a book by Practical Preschool which on amazon---theories of learning I think its calledand its a great resource book for information esp for essays :)

    I dont know websites-best bet is just to type in the name one at a time on google or and you'll find info!

  3. i am currently in CDA classes and have studied Montessori, Maslow,  Aristotle, Plato  etc.

    I would recommend Montessori and Maslow as 2 to study as there is so much material available about them.

    Good Luck

  4. Bowlby must be a new one. I didn't have him in psych classes.

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