
Ok giving baby solids?

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my son is having baby rice once a day he's taking a table spoon ish when do i start giving veg (i don't want to start with fruit) he has his solid 1hr after his 11am bottle.he is taking 35-40oz of milk.




  1. hi give him rusk they melt in the mouth and good for teething

  2. i didnt start baby jar food until my son was about 4 months and at the time, i only gave him 1/2 jar at night only. at 5 months i gave him a whole jar at night only. now, at 6 months, i give him baby jar food 3x a day.  

    make sure you're baby is truly hungry and not just fussy. my son was overwieght because we were feeding him a lot and the doc. said STOP, so we reduced it to 5oz every 3 1/2-4 hours, instaed of 6oz every 3 hours. and we played w/ him more and kept him enteratin and everything is fine now.  i did this when he was about 4 1/2-5 months.

    he use to be in the 90 percentile for weight, but now he's in the 75 percentile, which is healthier. he's sitll in the 90 percentle for height though.

    my son is now 19lbs and 28inc. he was born 8lb and 2oz

    ps. make sure he's not crying because of gas.

  3. It's fine introducing veggies now.  My daughter loved butternut squash, sweet potato and broccoli.  

    I would steam or boil the veg, blend it and add a bit of formula/breast milk.  This is what I do with my little one.  Only introduce one veg at a time so you can check for allergies.

    Only give him a few teaspoons.  You can put the rest into an ice cube tray and freeze it.  Then you can just defrost a cube for meal times.

    Good Luck!  You're doing alright.

  4. Are you sure he is crying from hunger? Maybe it is gas or something related to the rice. According to our pediatrician, we were supposed to be feeding our son every 3 hours, with 4 oz of formula/milk, total of 32 oz per day. It sounds like you might be over feeding your baby. We did that and he started looking really chubby in the face and thighs. So we started keeping better track of his eating by writing it down ( time & amount). Solid foods, such as fruits and veggies, generally start around six months. Everyone is a little different. Definitely start veggies first. One at a time, introducing a new one after 3 days and no allergic reactions. At 4 months you could introduce apple or pear juice, like gerber juice (our son didn't really like them). Good Luck, hope this helps!

  5. 12 weeks is still too early to give solids.  Just give extra breastmilk or formula for now.  He could be going through a growth spurt right now and just need more breastmilk or formula more often.  Please don't introduce veggies or fruits until he is well into his 4th month.  6 months is better.

  6. You've got it right starting with veggies. Once they get that sweet fruit forget veggies. As far as when I'd say a small taste here and there will tell you that. Either your baby will like it or not. But only one type a week like if you start with peas only give him peas for one week so you can spot an allergy if he has one and know which veggie caused it.

  7. Since you are already doing, it, if we did tell you that is WASN'T ok, would you stop?  Or are you just hoping for a pat on the back and assurance that 'you know your baby best' and 'my mother gave me cereal at 6 weeks and *I* turned out ok.'?

    If you're going to do it, we can't stop you, but it ISN'T ok, and you're putting your baby at increased risk for health problems.  If baby is hungry, he needs milk.  If he won't/cant' eat more at one sitting, try offering bottles more often. (I guarantee that if he IS really hungry, the calories in a tablespoon of rice aren't making ANY difference.  The rice is 'satisfying him' by sitting undigested in his stomach for long periods.  You could get the same benefit by feeding him sand.

    It isn't ok to give him cereal, and it isn't ok to give him veggies either.  (Veggies have even fewer calories than rice.) If you want what's best for your baby, stop the cereal, give him more formula, and wait 2-3 months to begin solids.

  8. I started my little girl on fruits and veggies at around 4 months, she now is eating breakfast, lunch and dinner at 6 months and loves it. Only you will know when he's ready to take the next step but i would recommend starting with one kind of veggie and stickin with that for about 3 or 4 days to unsure that he's not allergic of anything. Good luck and congrats!

  9. you should only start giving your baby veg or fruit when he is 17 weeks as his digestive system is not developed enough and even though lots of people say that they have given their babies solids from a very early age it can possible cause problems for them later in life.  Even though the possiblity is maybe a small percentage do you really want to take the chance with your baby?  did you get advice from a doctor or health visitor before giving him his baby rice?  there are reasons why they only make food for babies from 4 months + and we as mums need to be so careful that we are doing the right thing for our children.  if you ever have any doubt then you need to get medical advice before trying anything new.  Are you sure that he is crying because he is hungry?  have you tried the formula for hungrier babies?  have you taken him to your doctor to ask for possible reasons?  if he is happy with the rice for now then I don't understand why you would want to introduce veg to his diet until the recommended age...

    good luck anyway and i hope whatever you decide to do is the right decision for your son and that you will be sure that you are doing the best for your baby.

  10. As I said earlier to someone who asked a similar question...

    My Daughter started baby rice at 13 weeks and carrot, potatoes and banana at 14 weeks. This wasn't specifically because she was always hungry (I wish) it is because she has chronic allergies to every milk she has been prescribed and we are only able to get about 20oz a day into her, so her Paediatrician told us to wean her early so that she is getting enough protein etc

    Just remember this, you would have definitely been weaned at 3 months or before that - I'm 30 and I know I was. My Nephew is 12 and when he was born you were 'told' to wean them at 3 months. My Niece is 7 and my Sister was 'told' to wean her at 4 months and now, 7 years later you are 'told' not to wean them before 6 months. It's like the sleeping on their stomach/side/back thing - it changes every decade. Do what is best for your baby but I would suggest increasing his feeds (from 4 to 6oz for example) when you are formula feeding to see if that satisfies him before introducing too many solids - I know it made my Daughter a little bit constipated.

    Good luck and remember, Mum ALWAYS knows best and don't pay too much attention to all the people that will comment on not giving your baby solids before 6 months and that if you are, you're a terrible Mother. All babies and situations are different.

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