
Ok gys i think it is time to end?

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over the past 2 months there has been lots of comments on indians and australians i think we all should get over it and rascist comments on any religion country or anything .




  1. I agree with you because people try and make little comments to me because im muslim and egyptian. They call me a terrorist and make all these other rude comments. I HATE IT! But i've learned to ignore them because no matter what they will keep being ignorant so just dont pay attention to it. they want you to act ignorant along with them. Just dont let them get the worst of you. Just be the best you can be by ignoring.

  2. Yes, I believe the Same way.

    there is to much racism but, it will never end and people dont like other colors.

    such as a white person who hates an illegal immigrant.

    We all should get along.

  3. I hope so. I came here as a neutral person a few weeks back, all I find is obnoxious remarks against Indians, by a bunch of semi-literate phonies from Never-on- an-A$$--land (LOL).

  4. Yeah onya Waldo.   He who thinks there's too much racism then talks about white people.

    What hope is there Anjan best?   Some people are racist and they don't even know it.

  5. I think you are wrong again. Indians are not known to make racist comments any time. They like all other races, as if they are all their own. The very accusation that Indians made the racist comment is a white lie. To do this, there is an ulterior motive, which is very mean. To win a match, if one makes a comment like this, you can understand how mean one should be.

    Indians never began this and therefore, they are not the ones who should end this.

  6. Waldo, white people do not necessarily 'hate' illegal imigrants. What they do not like, is illegal imigrants who come into their country, take their jobs, live on the taxpayers good will & use up resources meant for our own countrymen.To answer your question, I am sick of the constant questions which keep rehashing old arguments. The main person to blame for this is that OZ! He changes his name everyday, but to any intelligent observer, he can easily be identified as he mainly abuses all Aussies ,and bad mouths Ponting. He is so full of hate & envy. I think it is up to Indians here to take a stand against him. I am willing to get along with anyone, & have never hated another person or race , ever.

    Edit: I rest my case, I just looked at the other answers & there he is, OZ, AKA Ashis B.

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