
Ok havin a baby and i am torn?????

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if its a girl- Adalyn Kate (addie for short if she wants) or Natalya (Talya if she wants)

boy- Braydon Michael or Braysin Michael

I got Adalyn from just looking at other peiples suggestions and i am in love with it, its so cute! Thankyou people! I got Natalya from when my favorite used to be Taliah and someone on her suggested Nataliah and then someone suggested Natalya so if i want to shorten it to Talya it would only be 2 sylables. I loved the name Brayden since I waas little, and Michael's my dads name . I like the name Braysin from Miley Cyrus's Brother Braison but his name is pronounced Braizon so I changed it a little bit. I also need help finding a middle name for Natalya, I was thinking Marie but thats soooo common, then I thought of Rae, or Mae




  1. i like the adalyn kate that's cute

  2. They are all creative, unique names. Deffinately very beautiful!

    I myself love the name Natalya, although both are pretty names. Also, Natalya Mae sounds lovely.

    Natalya is a name of Italian origin meaning "Christ's Birthday".

    Adalyn is a name of American-English origin, and I wans't able to find a meaning.

    The little boys names were also very nice. Personally I prefer the name Braydon which is of English origin and means, "broad, or wide".

    But Braysin is also very cute.

    Congratulations on your pregnancy, honey, all of this must be very exciting! Good luck in selecting the name for your future baby. You've picked out several excellant choices!


  3. I prefer Adalyn Kate because there was a girl on my street growing up called Natalia and she always had head lice and was called "NIT-alia"... put me off for life! I really like Braydon, also. No reason, really, just a personal preferance!

  4. natalya Shanelle

  5. Adalyn thats it , doesnt need the Kate and and the Braydon, no need for michael. But If Michael and Kate are the middle names, sure, but not 2 first names, hope that helps :)

  6. I really like adalyn! Thats beautiful!! I'm not a big fan of kate tho. But I have a thing for different names. I mean I named my daughter Braylee Jo! How different is that! Braydon or Brayden is cute too! Good luck!

  7. i like nataya its an easy name to say and like i know thats a hispanic name too so a lot of people will be able to say it  

  8. Natalya and Brayden

  9. I like Adalyn Kate and Braysin Michael the best. I prefer the spelling Braison or Braisen though. It just looks more appealing to me. Adalyn Rae is cute too, but I think Adalyn Kate flows better. Good luck!

  10. I  would pick Adalyn Kate out of that combo and Braydon Michael.

  11. I like Adalyn Kate and Braydon Michael.

  12. Natalya Loretta

    Natalya Lenora

    Natalya Lenore

  13. Brayden is my absolute favorite name.. I plan on naming one of my sons that (its practically predestined i have boys). =)

    So go with braydon michael... its super cute

    and i love the middle name mae... marie is way too common...  

  14. natalya mae sounds graceful and amazing.

    and i like braydon micheal.

    they sound good.

    hope i helped,

    ashley :-)

  15. Adalyn Kate(First and Middle) I like Addilyn spelled that way if you like,

    Braydon Michael(First and Middle)

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