
Ok here's the question. girls please answer?

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ok. i started my period on august 2nd and then i started on august 29. others are saying the reason why i'm bleeding twice in one month is because i started my period at the beginning and at the end of the month so there isn't any chances of me being pregnant.

my cycles are from like 28-33 days. i was supposed to have started on september 4th. my last cycle was 33 days on august 2nd. i dont know it's quite confusing for me since my periods are always on time.

would it be too early to take a test.




  1. I'm not understanding how they can always be on time when they vary from 28-33 days. Thats almost a weeks difference. From the 2nd to the 29th is 27 days which is, from what I'm getting, should be normal for you.

    You could take a test to make sure, but if you have started your period I highly doubt you are pregnant.

  2. i had my period 1-5 aug and ive come on today so im practically the same as you...i had a 30 day cycle this month...i dont think you can be pregnant i think ur period is a couple of days early as its 27 days apart that is practically 28 which u say can be ur normal cycle length...also as pp has said i doubt ur preg cos ur period has come...if u think u are i would say a test would prob work now hth

  3. Why not take a test? It can't hurt. You can always take another one later.

  4. Your cycle doesn't go by what month it is - it's quite possible, and probable over the years, to have two periods in one month. If you started on the 2nd and the 29th, then you had a 27 day cycle, which is not odd considering that your cycles average 28-33 days.   Why are you wanting to test if you have your period? Are you having a light one? Spotting?  

  5. I have a 27 days cycle so I too get 2 periods a month every now and again.  It really is not that abnormal.  I guess you could take a pregnancy test if you think you may be pregnant.  I would wait until the day you think your period should have started just to be sure you would get accurate results.

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