
Ok here we go again,, if a persons realizes that the jehovah's witness environment is not safe for them...?

by  |  earlier

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because of no whistle blower protection, (BARBARA ANDERSEN) abuse of authority, and ambiguous interpretation of women in subjection to men, and want to leave the religion with the same dignity they were accepted into the religion, why are the members forced to shun the and view them as a person who is a reviler, drunkard, fornicator, antichrist, and a bunch of other ugly stuff that has nothing to do with the persons character??




  1. God instituted the disfellowshipping process.

    Tkae it up with him, not us.

  2. I think it is about time someone organised a support group for people who are trying to escape groups like this. Cults tend to target vulnerable people, who accept their teachings because they are lonely and want to feel like a part of a larger group. These people then have a very difficult time leaving, as the church has become their whole world and they are emotionally blackmailed into staying there. A support group would provide these people with invaluable emotional support.

  3. Because it will make leaving that much more unpleasant.  And that is the point.  The JW's are one of the few groups out there that make it a point to keep the follwers from learning anything from the outside, and they make it even worse for a person if they try to leave.

  4. There are always two sides to a story..However The apostle John showed that it is possible to share in another person’s sin. He wrote: “Everyone that pushes ahead and does not remain in the teaching of the Christ does not have God. . . . If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, never receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him. For he that says a greeting to him is a sharer in his wicked works.” (2 John 9-11)

    These rules were set Up in the Early Christian Congregation over 1900 years ago. The witnesses follow God word. You have a problem with that I suggest you study God's word to a greater degree for clarity.

  5. Organized religion! cults, all of them.  

  6. leave them

  7. because they are all just a bunch of lying hypocrites, they do it to take the attention off of them and put it onto someone else

  8. I would call this spiritual abuse. It is their way of keeping you in the church. They are only doing what they are taught. Sad but true...look into the book...The Subtle Power of Spiritual will set you free and empower you. You are not crazy for feeling the way you do...God never intended for any church to be that way. And you have every right to leave if you do not feel safe fact that is what God would want you to do too!!

  9. Same reason Scientologists aren't supposed to shmooze with SPs, Christians aren't supposed to yoke themselves with unbelievers, and other such cold-shoulder methods: By labeling people who leave their faith or attack it as horrible abominations, you ensure that believers stay well away from any influence that might encourage them to do the same.

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