
Ok home now what?!?!?!?

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Ok heres the story i was staying with my mom for a year now its time to go back with daddy.

the problem is im prego 8 months


sooo i was very scared because he was always worried about something like this happening

soo i did the right thing and told him before i got there

He was very angry he said i should stay for one more week.

Sooo he could think of what to do with me..

Im back home with him now and he said hes not going to help pay for everything and babysit everyday

he said i decided to do the things i did soo now this is what i deserve so im on my own this time

im scared though..

when gthe baby comes what do i do?

I dont have my mom around. :(

And i need help..

Just need to know

What is going to happen once i go into labor?

plus do you think this is a good name?

Morgan Marie Lopez


idk i dont really like it myself but i need a good girl name

what is everything im going to be going threw??




  1. first find some one like a school counsoler if ur still going to school to help keep you positive about this baby if you plan on keeping it. you need support espechially emotional support while you're pregnat. then find some kind of assistance to help you like the WIC program and foodstamps. babies caost money and need food and dipers ... i dont know your situation or if your working or if the father is presnt... but you will need help. then i would talk to your dad it will be hard but youll need to know how is going to help and if he is ... and how long hes going to let you stay based on how mad he is at u. once you go into labor the fun stuff and the hard part begins... so use this month to get ready and prepare the best you can.

  2. Why aren't you still with your mother? I would think she would be more understanding and it would be better for your mental health while pregnant to be living with her. The name is pretty. It's going to be tough starting out on your own without someone to help you...where's the babys father?

  3. first of all relax, all this streesing isnt good for your baby. your father is probaly still trying to understand all of this himself so it will take him a while to come around to the idea. my father and mother were the same but when they saw their grandchild they fell in love with him and the now spoil him rotten. I know your only young but this is the start of a whol new chapter of your life. make sure you get plenty of rest before you baby is due to be born. when you go into the hospital to have your baby there are a number of pain relifs on offer to you. there is gas and air which only takes the bite out of contractions. but i decided on an epidural. it numbs you from your back down and you only feel pressure with each contraction rather than pain, i though it was brilliant. first of all labour can be and is quite painful for a lot of women but taking deep breaths helps until you are given your choice of pain relief. if you are having your baby naturally the labour may take a while as the have to wait until your cervix is fully dilated which is 10cm. in some women it can take quite a while but every birth is diffrent. when you are fully dialated the midwife will put you into a position that you are comfortable with and tell you to take a deep breath and push (push like you are going for a poo) this might take a few goes before your baby pops out but it is so beautiful when you see them for the first time. the midwives at the hospital will show you how to take care of your baby before yo bring him/her home. they will show you how to dress, feed, change diapers, and even bath your baby to get you prepared for when you leave. when you go home make sure you take as much help that is offered to you, believe me all new moms need a break! it will be hard for the first 3 months because you will be waking up during the night to feed your baby too. but after 3 months they start to settle down and beging to sleep through the night. if it were and option to move back to your moms it might be great to have her help until you get settled. you do whatever you think is right and when your baby is here i promise you that you will get such an overwhelming sense of love that you will do anything you can to keep them happy. dont worry, i'm sure you'll be a fantastic mom and i think the name you chose is beautiful. i was 18 when i had my first son he will be 2 on friday and i had my second son at 20 he is now 18 months. you will love it but if you ever want to ask for advice or just need a friend you can email me on congrats on baby and i wish you all the best : ) x*x

  4. You need to get in touch with a social worker. The will help with any questions you have, and will steer you in the direction you need to go for any public programs.

    Good luck.

  5. WOW

    YOUr in a big sitution here hun

    Just take care

    And i love that name very much

    My little sisters name is morgan and i always wanted lopez lol

    But im stuck with mines hahahahha :D

  6. Wow. I wish I knew what to say to comfort you. I like the name you picked. Why did you go back with your dad when it's almost time to have the baby? Do you know how to get child support for the baby? You call the Attorney General's Office, Child Support Division. Are you considering giving the baby up for adoption? I met a girl in college who decided to do that. It seemed really hard for the mom but best for the baby in her situation.

    One thing I can say is that your body is designed to have this baby. It will know exactly what to do even though you may not. Good luck, sweetie.

  7. I'm sorry they are not there for you! In away though what he said is true you are on your own now. I suggest staying in school first off. Apply for all the aid and assistance you can get to make things easier on you. Get medicaid and they will pay to have dad tested for DNA to prove he's father this way you can get some child support. If he's young like you it wont be much but anything is better than nothing. When you guys are older you can go back to court to have the order changed to receive more money. As for now when you turn 16 get a part time job and keep it. It will be hard but your child deserves you to do your best if you are not giving up for adoption. If dad/mom see's you are honestly trying he/she might be more willing to help! If you think this is more than you can handle it isn't to late to pick an adoptive family. It would be hard giving up your child but now days you can do what is called an open adoption. This allows you to pick mom and dad! They even see send you updates on your child as he/she grows. One thing you must have to do is get to prenatal care as soon as possible. This is very important to insure a healthy baby even if it is almost the end of your pregnancy! I hope all this helps and you can make the right decision! I kept my girl at 19 and it was hard but worth it. I was also 19 and able to provide for myself a little more than you can! Think long and hard and talk to dad let him know your sorry and that your only human. Tell him your idea's about getting a  job. Tell him if you have decided to give the baby up for adoption... he'll appreciate you being honest! Good luck!

  8. First of all: you need to be thankful that your dad is letting you stay in his house and not kicking you out with no where to live.

    Second of all: He doesn't have to help you pay for everything and shouldn't have to help you babysit. You decided to do the things you did and now it's time to grow're going to be a mother.

    Is the father of the baby around? If he is you and him need to decide on what you guys are going to do when the baby gets here.

    You also need to find a job.... I know you're only 15 but there are things out there that you can do under the table. You need to save as much money as you can.

    And are you really on your own? How far away are you from your mom? I'm sure she'll do anything she can to help.

    I got pregnant at 17 and everyone hated me at first but as soon as the baby was born, guess what? they fell in love and everything was fine from that point on. Once your dad sees his grandchild, i'm sure things will get better.

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