
Ok how about this?

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Is people around here stupid? Why do people think we should just take our troops and go home? If we pull out of iraq then that mean they can come over here. Over my dead body will they come here. Now tell me do u want your family to die becuase someone bombs some big place somewhere. Do you see now that we need to be over there?




  1. Is people around here stupid?  I'd have to say "Yes!".

    Question for  you...About 700 billion dollars has been spent on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Of that amount about $535 billion was spent in Iraq and about $140 billion in Afghanistan.   In addition about 30 billion was spent on enhancing security on our borders and and other American installations around the world.    

    Amazingly enough we haven't been attacked since the war started...I'll give you that one of the reasons is that we have brought the war to them.  But, wouldn't it have been cheaper and easier to fight the war on a single front?  Let's take that $535 billion and put 100 billion of that on even MORE security for our borders.   Take 200 billion of that and triple our resources in Afghanistan...fight them over there in the place that Al Queda actually trained and enjoyed haven.  Or do you think that other extremist muslims wouldn't have bothered to travel to Afghanistan???  Perhaps they would have thought about it but decided for a EuroDisney trip instead because the weather is much nicer in France?  Or, assuming that some were in Iraq they would have said "hmmm, those American dogs are fighting against our brethren in Afghanistan but I like the conditions here in Iraq much better so I'll let my Muslim brothers die in vain and I'll stay here by the pool sunning myself?"  

    The remaining 230 billion??? money unspent and the costs not passed on to our children.    I see the need to be in Afghanistan...but Iraq?   please!!  Don't embarass yourself...there is an alternative reason for being there (and no I don't believe it's ego) and it has nothing to do with 9/11 or Al Queda.

  2. Our army in Iraq is NOT preventing terrorism at home.  If anything, our presence there is only fueling anti-american sentiment and providing more recruits to terrorist groups.

    You have been lied to by politicians who are playing upon your fears in order to perpetuate a failed agenda that has done America more harm than good.

  3. You are right that it would be a mistake to abruptly pull out of Iraq, but your argument is not well thought out.

    Terrorists can attack the US whether or not we stay in Iraq, although I grant you that  if they are busy fighting elsewhere they have far less opportunity to mount an attack on the US. Staying in Iraq does not magically protect us, nor would withdrawal bring about an immediate attack.

    The big reason to stay in Iraq is the same one Bush gave years ago- tyranny breeds terrorists and establishing a constitutional democracy in the heart of the Middle East can bring hope to millions who now live under oppressive regimes. People are are working to gain their own freedom are not likely to be attacking the US. Instead we will be seen as a potential ally in their struggle.

    Finally, we have an obligation to keep our word to the Iraqi people who have worked with the US. To walk away and abandon them to their fate at the hands of the terrorists is not only foolish but immoral.

    One more thing- you will rarely change someone's mind when you begin your argument by calling them stupid.

  4. Do they come here because we went there first?

  5. Is people around here stupid?

    No, you're stupid. Enough said.

    And your undereducated, grammar-butchering rant is not going to change anyone's mind. What makes you believe that people are going to come over here and bomb us? And what makes you think that OUR status in Iraq is stopping them from coming here and bombing us anyway? Nothing. If anything, it's just making them more and more angry. It's a war with no end, no finish line, and no further point. We were dragged into this war with lies.

    Will you see any time that this is a war about profit and oil? Not about Osama? Not about WMDs? Not about shoving democracy up Iraq's butt?

    No, you're not convincing anyone. This war is pointless, Americans are dying for no reason. Think about this: how many people have died by now by Iraqi bombing in AMERICA, versus how many lives we've lost by sending American kids to Iraq? Do you want to make the ratio get higher and higher? I don't. Bring them home.
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