
Ok how do I explain to a doctor…

by  |  earlier

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that just because I’m back to his normal that I’m not back to my normal.

Ok I’m 27 6ft 250lbs built like a Samoan. To say I moved with herculean strength would be a complement to Hercules. I would only have to see some physical feat done once or twice before I could do it myself. I’ve carried love seats up a light of stairs by my self. I would regularly rearrange my living room, and not scuff the floors, often. I used to be able to just explode with energy, I was the fastest and strongest at everything I did.

But back on new years I was in a at-work-accident, I was on a latter coming down from a loft, when it broke, causing me to fall 13 feet on to concrete, I landed standing, now I have a rod and 3 screws in my leg, and 2 screws keeping a 1 inch piece of ankle on my foot. And I can no longer do any of those things, I hurt when I walk, I’ve lost my grace of movement, don’t you think that should be compensated for??




  1. get ppl to sign a afdavis that says you were supper cool and not lame and now you lost your power and need to be paid for this

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