
Ok i've decided to get myself some seamonkeys since im so bored i need some help guys thanks. ?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike 13 and im spending my lunch money on this so don't call me to buy all this expensive stuff.

2.can i put it in my school bag and bring it to school will something bad happen when i'm walking and the tank spills everywhere in my bag otherwise how should i bring them to school.

3.what happens when i run out of food

4.what do i do when they die (eww) to make the most out of them to make them live for as long as possible.

7.what if im not always there for them for feeding and all that i do have school after all.

8.where should i keep my mini tank. much is a bubbler.

10.if i can't afford a bubbler what should i do.

11.what do they do other then swim and eat.

thanks guys for taking your time to read this and i will appreciate it a lot if you were to answer all of it.




  1. last year a friend and i bought some for her boyfriends mum from socrates. They had different packs for sea monkeys. the one we got had a necklace so you could carries some sea monkeys with you.

    - this would sought out the taking to school problem.

    buy the packs- they come with everything you need and instructions on how to care for them, when to feed

  2. 1) -

    2) i wouldn't reccomend it. i have seen/heard of special sea-monkey travel kit things, but seriously, they're practically just brine shrimp (live food for fish)

    3) you get some more, they probably won't last more than a few days without it

    4) a turkey baster can make it easier to remove dead shrimp from the bottom of the 'tank', they should turn black once they die.

    5) not sure what you want me to say, you can't exactly tank them on a holiday

    6) there's not a whole lot you can do. feed them and change some water as often as possible.

    7) in year 7 or 8, school shouldn't take up all that much time. there isn't much you have to be there for, all you have to do is feed them, which you can get someone else to do for you. otherwise you're just going to have to skip it and see how they go.

    8) wherever you want, the shrimp aren't that fussy. not the best idea to keep them in direct sunlight, this could not only drastically heat the tank, but will encourage algae growth.

    9) that depends what you mean by a bubbler. i'm guessing you mean an aerator, air line tubing and an air stone. it isn't really necessary for 'sea-monkeys'. the cost will depend on where you live. you will also need a gang valve to controll the air flow, otherwise it will be too strong.

    10) don't get it if you can't afford it

    11) not much. you can apparantly 'teach them tricks'. it should come with a little booklet explaining all this.

    good luck :)


    try this site out it will help u out and good luck to u  

  4. You can leave them at home.. And take care of them as you would take care of fish...... You just feed them once every few days i think, I dont remember.

    When they die, i think you just leave them in there..

    Keep your mini tank in your room somewhere, but not in direct sunlight.

    If you cant afford a bubbler, you can blow into a straw for a couple of minutes a day.  

  5. ive only had seamonkeys when i was very little so sorry i cant help but, unless you already bought them i say you should buy triops instead, there like $5 at hobby lobby and each pack contains enough eggs for mabye 10 to grow up to an inch and a half (much larger then seamonkeys) only thing bad is they only live 2 months, but when they die they lay eggs so you got to dry out the tank and add water for the eggs to hatch

    you really dont need  to much besides $5 pack (includes eggs and food) , a few gallons of distilledwater just for making them hatch, some vegetables like carrots when you run out of food, and a tank (walmart has 10 gallon glass tanks for only $10 so thats good amount of space and you can see them)

    triops vs sea monkeys

    triops much cooler

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