
Ok i am baby sitting a four year old boy but i have no clue what activities i can do with him.?

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Ok i am baby sitting a four year old boy but i have no clue what activities i can do with him.?




  1. My 4 year old boy loves colouring, painting, baking (with adult help and supervision), going for a walk to the playground with the dogs, riding his bike around the backyard. 4 is a great age. They are pretty easily amused I think. Good luck.

  2. Baking if you are allowed to cook, like easy to make cookies or cupcakes. Playdough, red light green light, simon says, coloring, going for a walk if you are allowed to do that. Hide and seek and tag always wears them out too.

  3. coloring is always a good option!

    Hide and seek!

    Just play with him whatever he is into!

  4. My son is 4, and he is so easy to please!  Anything outside is good, like throwing ball, basketball, going for bike ride, (weather permitting).  Indoors you could play a board game, make crafts, find out what toys he likes and play with him (like cars, or army men for example).

  5. you could color with him or you could play trucks!!

    i do that with my brother!!

  6. bring over some gamesto play with him or read him a book. You can also take him for a walk. Just keep him pre-occupied with things to do!! Hope this helps!!

  7. watch movies, paint, color, take him to the park, there is lots to do with a 4 year old

  8. I'm sure he'll want to you to play with his toys with him. Also coloring, dancing, hide and seek, play on a swing set, soccer, sword can put on his favorite movie but he probably won't sit through it

  9. You could like maybe ask him what he would like to play

  10. Anything sporty, crafty, and basically anything that keeps him occupied!! You can play ball, hide and seek, tag, or you can even make up a game together!! As for crafts, you should always add a little creativity in your day and one of my favorite things to do is have him make "decorations" for the house to surprise his parents when they get back! Or you can set up a skit to put on for his parents as well!! Just get him excited and very involved in the craft and you will find that it will make him a lot easier to deal with!!!!


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