
Ok i am scared now?

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can someone please tell me what exactly is done to you when you have anasthesia i am going to have my 2 front teeth out and i dont want to be awake i have gotten so many different stories all i want to know is this what are they going to do to me when i sit in the chair? and how long will it take for 2 teeth to come out? my 2 front teeth one has dropped and is lose and the other is just a smudge lose honest answers only please i dont know what to believe thanks




  1. Most likely you will be given something to help you relax and not feel so anxious. Sometimes the dentist will give something in your gums to deaden the pain, and perhaps some nitrous oxide (laughing gas). Trust me, the biggest coward in the state of Kentucky, its never as bad as what you think it will be!

  2. My 8 year old brother had his teeth pulled and it didn't even hurt him. He had two teeth pulled too. He said they give you a shot of novacaine in your gums. After it set awhile they pull them out. Novacaine really numbs your gums so dont worry.

    I dont know exactly if they do that when you hae anasthesia. Sorry

    Good luck though

  3. Ok. They are using anestesia. That means that you would be given an I.V., then they put some stuff in it to make you get very drowsy.  They will ask you to start counting backwards and VOILA. You are asleep.  Don't worry. The anestesologist will be by your side at all times.  When they wake you up, you will be drowsy, that is normal.  You will be in recovery for an hour or so.  I'm sure you will do fine.  Good luck

  4. you'll be fine, but it's a waste of money to go under for two loose teeth.  they'll give you the gas, you'll get sleepy, then they'll take out your teeth.  If you're worried so much just get the shots in your gums and stay awake.  you should be able to have your mom or dad in the room with you if you're younger than 18.  if you're worried about inappropriate touching, most dentists are professionals and won't go there.  There is always someone else in the room with the doc for assistance and supervision.  You shouldn't worry.

  5. well they put a bloodpressure cuff on you and hook u up to a heart monitor..................then they insert ur iv and it may hurt a little but don't think about it.......then they start giving u injections thru the iv and u feel funny but a good funny almost like ur high.........its reall cool and then u slowly drift ot sleep and it seems like in maybe a tenth of a second they wake u up and u go home in a matter of 17 and i ahd 4 teeth pulled plus all 4 wisdom teeth cut out at once and thats how they done me and it was a piece of cake but latr u will feel some pain but they will give u pills for thing is u get to eat all the ice cream u want and actually for a while u start to get sick of it..........anyway good luck i hope i helped!!!!
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