
Ok i ask my mom and dad wat is s*x but they say nothin please tell me im 15 years old and they say im littel?

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help please i dont know and my parents dont talk to me about it i ask and stay shut




  1. I think you should tell your parents you'll find out one way or another and you want them to tell you about it you dont wanna learn from some weirdos on yahoo go ask them tell them you think its important for you to tell them.

    My parents never explained it to me either its a very uncomfortable subject which it really shouldnt be and i think its wrong for them to act like you dont need to know yet youre growing up in many ways and they should tell you before you get yourself into trouble good luck man sorry its such a uncomfortable subject for many people but i could understand i suppose people have alot of hangups

    anyway i dont want to rant go ask them again explaining why you want them to tell you

    Good Luck!

  2. If this is true I find it very sad. Your parents are trying to bury their heads in the sand. My eldest is also 15 and we have talked openly about s*x since he was 11. Really when you think about it s*x is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s a beautifully thing when your with someone you truly love.  Many parents have one talk or just try and avoid it my husband and I knew this is not the way we wanted to go.

  3. You Seriously have No IDEA?

    woww.How dont you know anything and your 15?

    Im 14 && i've know since 6th grade........

    Didnt you learn in school?


    Well its basically a guy & A Girl......Uhmmm.They really wont tell you anything?

    Its kind of akward since i dont know you .lol.

  4. s*x is the gender like if i was to ask  what s*x you are you would be a female

  5. what the h**l.

    i can;t beleive you;re 15 and they haven't told you what s*x is!

  6. you're actually 9 years old. You said so in one of your answers.

  7. OMG!!

    I am 13 and I know what it is

    I can't believe you have not done about it in school

    I did s*x eduacation when I was 11

    And I fainted.


  9. are you sure you're 15. i mean i had s*x before i was 15 which isn't even legal in england.

  10. OK, this is something a little strange to explain in writing, but here it goes. s*x is when a boy sticks his thing up into the girls v****a. Sometimes this is done to fertilize eggs(make a baby) and sometimes it is just for the enjoyment. Oh, and at my age(14) and your age- it might not sound appealing, but my parents say as you get older it does. so sorry your parents aren't explaining this to you- good luck, and here you go- hope I helped.

  11. I am 16 and i will be happy if i dunno know anything about s*x,

    but in my bad i know...

  12. well (in a little high piched voice) when a mommy and daddy love eachother very much,,,,

  13. say something dirty in front of them and swere to show them you are not little anymore. I mean really, 3 years from now you will be done with high school.

  14. ok.. im 14 and im already having s*x..and u dont even no what it is? wow ok.

    s*x is when a boy/ man inserts his p***s into a girls/womens v****a...

  15. OmG. Are you serious? little ten year olds know. Google it

  16. You need to talk to one of your teachers, or the guidance counselor in school ( when it starts again in the fall) about this, and ask them to help you get the information you need. Your parents are doing you a big disservice by not telling you anything about how your body works or about s*x- and I assume you must be having periods, because you are 15 years old. Most girls start their periods between 9 and 14 years of age- and I can't imagine that your mom hasn't at least told you why you bleed a little bit each month.

    s*x is too complicated a subject to explain in a forum like this, so I am not going to try- I will however, recommend that you get some books on the subject of biology from the library at school and read them. Your health class is also a good source of information about this, as is the school nurse. Any of these sources can help you learn about this topic and how it applies to you, and what you need to be careful about.

    Good luck.

  17. i'll make it short and sweet. a boy sticks his thing up your but, and it fertlizes an egg(a baby) some do it for fun, some to be proud parents!

  18. Just because you're asking about s*x doesn't mean you're having it. I think it's stupid for them not to inform you on it, so that you don't make a stupid mistake. Bad parenting, I think. Ask them if they would rather you know about it, and not have it, or you not know, and just have random, uninformed s*x.

  19. It might seem like a stupid question but it's not. s*x means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. There's a huge range of sexual things that you can do - so there's no straightforward answer to that question.

    Similarly there's no right way to have s*x. s*x is about you and your partner enjoying yourselves and if you're doing something legal then it's no-one elses business but your own. Don't feel you have to talk about your s*x life with anyone who asks.

    Having s*x is something both young men and women get interested in as they become more mature and start thinking about having relationships. Thinking about having s*x is completely normal, and it is important to remember that there is no need to rush into having s*x if you don’t feel comfortable, as you will have plenty of time to do it in the future when you do feel ready.

  20. well.... when a mommy and a daady love eachother very much...

  21. get a dictionary...QUICK

    haha...i cant believe u dnt no i bet ur joking

    well the man inserts his 'object'

    into the womans 'slot'

    if yah get ma drift ;)

    you have to know im 15 n ive known since 4th grade!! haha

  22. s*x is when u insert object a into slot b

  23. Are you kidding me?....I mean no offense or anything, But your parents must really keep a tight...very tight leash on you.

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