
Ok i had intercourse 2 days ago, i've been stressed so i forgot to take my yasmin pill since 3 days ago ?

by  |  earlier

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test and it came up negative. Was it too early to take the test?? Could i still have fallen pregnant? I have missed 4 days altogether now. I went to the doc and did a test also and still negative but my b***s are sore and i don't have an appetite but feel sick when i try to eat. I do crave banana milkshakes since late. Pls help someone




  1. It might have been too early to tell. I'm having the same problem and similar symptoms with negative HPT results. Maybe try taking one right when you wake up, because I've heard morning pee is better... I know, it sounds weird, but it's true. Just relax! =] and good luck!

  2. if it has only been 2 days then your symptoms are not from being pregnant. You haven't even had time to be implanted. You will have to wait about 3-4 weeks before you can take a test and it show positive. Or you can go back to the doctor 10 days after intercourse and have a blood test done. That would tell you for sure. The stress will make your body go crazy too. Your b***s could hurt because of fluctuation of your birth control pills. And the craving of food.... that can happen if your body is lacking something. Like people eat ice if they need more iron. Hopefully this helps some. Just try not to stress cause that will make it worse. Let us know what happens. Good luck!  

  3. i say retake it

    sounds like ur prego

  4. it has been 2 days.  worry about it next month.  The cravings you are having is nothing.  I hate these questions, if you do not know this then you should not be having s*x....

    it is like the old saying. you have to take a test and get a license to drive a car but any moron can s***w and have  kid

  5. At the time you had s*x, you had missed 2 pills...not likely to get pregnant.  Even if you happen to gt pregnant there is no way to tell now.  It's likely that the egg would not be fertilized yet.  It takes 10 days after fertilization for the egg to even get to the uterus.  You would certainly NOT have pregnancy symptoms 2 days after you had s*x.  You are just getting yourself worked up, that's why you are feeling that way.

  6. Has there been any weight change? If in a few weeks you get a big weight change call a doctor and take the test again. If you feel barfy or sick or any unusual feelings that didnt come up before your intercourse then maybe. Did you use protection?

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