
Ok i had my last period back in December and we are trying to have are 3rd baby and im not bleeding at all ?

by  |  earlier

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dose anyone have a way that would be a good way to have a baby ......




  1. Well, first off, the first thing you should really do is go to your dr because he is the only one that can really tell you that. You def need to get your periods on the right track so you can figure out when your ovulating and once you've done that let your body do the work and you can just relax and enjoy the process of conceiving.

    Good luck!!!!

  2. first thing first go 2 your dr so he can c y u are not having a period. and more and likely he will give u something 2 start your period, and i'm not really sure, but he may want 2 run some testes 2 c what is wrong. but every female is different so he may do something else. but b 4 u get the chance 2 c him, u could start taking some prenatal vitamins. and what did u do the first 2 times u got pregnant? i really i'm not being mean, but can't no 1 on here really tell u what 2 do because u haven't had a period n over 8 months, u need 2 have a period 2 get pregnant.

    so i wish u well and good luck!

  3. If your not having your period you might want to go to the Dr and see why cause that could be a problem definitely if your ttc.

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