
Ok i have a Mal/HckPk-A viruis and some spywear and i have spy sweeper webroot i did a full sweep?

by  |  earlier

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and the spy wear wont go away what do i do please help ;[ its keeps appering on my desktop backing that i have a spywear and i cant change it back help meee i have webroot spy sweeper




  1. Install an anti-virus program, if you don't have one:.

    Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Antivirus

    Download, install, update"

    Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware

    Disable system restore until your system is clean, then re-enable it.

    Run your scans from safe mode. Tap F8 during boot, to get there.

  2. OK first question is: Can you access the internet from the infected computer or another?

    If from the infected computer, download to your desktop and install a 30 day trial of Kaspersky Internet Security from here:

    If from another computer, download and save the install file to a USB and from there put the install file on the desktop of the infected computer and then install like I said above.

    Before installing it on the infected computer, remove any existing anti virus software to avoid any clashes (independent anti spyware software can stay).

    When installing, follow the instructions and when completed restart the computer. After restart, try to update the virus definitions to ensure the greatest possible removal rate and run a full system scan. If update is not possible, still run system scan because it may allow you access the internet after removing certain traces of the virus.

    The time taken to complete the scan will vary depending on the hard drive size and number, number of files and computer specs. It is vital however that you let the scan complete, again to ensure greatest possible chance of complete removal. I would run another scan, after restarting the computer following the first scan to see if traces have reappeared.

    Whilst scanning, turn off System Restore and delete any registry backups you may have that contain the virus. After removing the virus, I recommend you install the following software to help prevent infection and/or increase chances of detection prior to infection in the future. The free version of most of this software is fine, though some are not compatible with Windows Vista.

    *WinPatrol (I recommend making the one time payment for this program) -

    *Spyware Blaster -

    *Ad Aware -

    *Spybot Search and Destroy -

    *SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition

    *CCleaner -

    *ERUNT and NTREGOPT (only for XP) - http://www.larshederer.homepage.t-online...

    *A program called 'Sandboxie'. (When you run a program inside it, it is unable to maliciously attack your computer, this includes zip files, web browsers etc).

    *Update Checker (finds programs on you computer that are not the newest version and therefore put your system at risk through vulnerabilities) -

    *PC Pitstop Driver Alert (only use the free version and just find the drivers online yourself; it does the same thing as filehippo, except for computer drivers, not software)

    *Mozilla Firefox 3.01 and;

    *Ad Block Plus Addon for Firefox -

    *No Script Addon for Firefox -

    *Adblock Filterset.G Updater Addon for Firefox-

    *Check for Windows Updates

    *Ensure you have a decent internet security suite installed, or separate anti virus (free programs include avast, avir, avg free), firewall (free such as zone alarm, comodo), anti spyware (ad aware, spybot: search and destroy, SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition), anti spam, etc and for all in one protection I recommend Kaspersky Internet Security Suite 2009, though it is good to have complementary anti spyware programs but only one anti virus program

    Hopefully this should help. And post further questions here and I will do my best to answer.

    PS: Sorry I didn't post direct links to all software, but apparently I can only post 10 links. Though I'm sure you can find them through google.


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