
Ok i have a big huge problem school girls?

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ok so i just started high school

every girl at school seems psycho or crazy

is that how all high schools are?

im in all advance classes if that helps

im real lonely




  1. yes

  2. try to find a decent smart girl in all your advanced class...

    and don't worry know one is lonely forever:]

    just stay positive

  3. no not all of them are, i guess they are nervous or shy, or have a crush on someone

  4. haha well some came be psycho but not all of them are. if they are in your advanced classes they should be more controlled and mature. are they older than you? because girls mature faster than boys, so girls your own age will be more mature meaning that girls older will be even more mature and maybe that gap is so big it makes them seem psycho. but dont worry there are girls out there who arent.

  5. Lol. Obviously not. Your school just doesn't have the right kind of girls that your are probably looking for. Maybe you should shadow other schools to see if you like them better and ask your parents to let you transfer there. Otherwise, just talk to the "psycho" and "crazy" girls. They may not be as crazy as they look you know. You shouldn't judge them based on how they act around others. About being lonely, how about you talk to some guys too? I'm sure you'll make plenty of friends that way. Best of luck!

  6. ahahahhh, that's high school for ya. =p

    Ever see Mean Girls? Most people think that's a spoof on High School, but it's not. ha.

    Anyway, you only just started high school, so of course it feels like EVERY girl is scary. However, once you get immune to the scary ones and are able to look past them, you'll see that not everyone is that crazy. hahah. I'm a sophomore now, so I understand how overwhelmed you must be feeling.

    Really, just give it time. You're young! High School does indeed rock. Enjoy it!



  7. you'll find someone. dont worry.

    but dont get lonely. find someone lovely. it might be hard but make friends with some of these girls. they might seem strange on the surface but you never know.

    never be lonely hun. x

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