
Ok i have a cobra 29 cb radio it's missing a speeker and needs some help where can i find the parts/?

by  |  earlier

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Ok i have a cobra 29 cb radio it's missing a speeker and needs some help where can i find the parts/?




  1. Contact a cb shop such as copper electronics, but better a local and see if they have a used one for sale out of a junk 29

    if not, new can be had from cobra or one of it's authorized repair facilities

  2. You can also try your local truck stops, they usually have a CB repair shop on site. Truckers have a liking for these cobra radios, but the reason I believe the speaker is missing in the first place is it was over driven and froze up. I would just use an external speaker like a Motorola mobile speaker ( you can find these on eBay), plug it in the jack in back of the radio that says Ext. Speaker. This jack is usually a 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) mini plug, found at Radio Shack stores. A lot of the truckers do this by putting the speaker behind their head so they can hear over the stack noise.

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