
Ok i have a kind of fear of thunderstorms/bad weather. how can i help it?

by  |  earlier

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like lately i havent really wanted to go out because im afraid of storms. it always hasnt been this way, but not to long ago there was a tornado where i live and it really shook me up. now i always check the weather too, and i want to change it.




  1. You have to team up with someone who you love and trust and feel protected by, like your dad or grandparent or best friend. Oh yeah, this person CANNOT be nervous during storms. Then you have to go storm watching and have fun. Tell the person that you want to be distracted by a game or conversation and tell them what you're trying to accomplish. Sit out on the porch and listen to your favorite CD and play cards during the storm with this person. You'll have to fight it a little and try to laugh and have a good time and you'll have to do this a few times. Use your common sense, don't go golfing in a t-storm, just someplace that you can see and experience the weather and still be sheltered.

  2. I also had a close call last year, and am now terrified of storms.  I've spent a lot of time this summer educating myself on weather.  Watching weather forecasts and predictions and observing the conditions outside have helped me realize that not every storm is so bad.  I actually find myself a little disappointed when a strong one is coming right at me, and then either weakens at the last minute, or somehow just skirts right around me.

    A great website to check is

    They have charts and maps showing where the most severe weather will hit, and are accompanied by text spelling out exactly what the largest threat will be (wind damage, hail, tornados).  It's helped me out a lot!

  3. if theres a thunderstorm, distract your self by doing something. you could even go in to a room with no windows, so you dont have to look @ it thunder and lighting

  4. Recognize that there are things in this world that are beyond your control.  Weather and death are two of them.

    I live in the midwest, and I've seen my fair share of tornadoes, severe storms, hail, earthquakes, you name it.  Some of them were very close to killing me.  It's natural to have fears, even if they are irrational (I absolutely hate snakes -- and I've touched them, learned about them ... but it doesn't change anything, they scare me!).  You just have to learn to adjust.

    Obviously, take the proper precautions if you are facing severe weather.  Buy a weather monitor that alerts you to severe weather in your area.  Don't drive on a flooded road, develop a tornado safety plan, etc.  Preparedness will make you feel better.

  5. People are affraid of the unknown. Its a primal survival trait that we all have. Thunder storms aren't anything to be affraid of. In your house, if lightning hit, it would fry everything metalic. If you are on the couch chillin' you have nothing to worry about. In the car you do not conduct electricity because you arent touching the ground. In a plane the lightning rods pass the bold throught the plane and into the ground, you may never know that it was hit other than the sound. If outside, you probably have nothing to worry about unless your hair is standing up due to the highly electric air. Thunderstorms are fun to watch. I have had 2 close calls. One of which I was actually struck by lightning. Im fine. Still love the storms.

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