
Ok i have a problem at my job. they just put me on suspension but i think that it wasnt warranted. ?

by  |  earlier

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what can ido? well heres the story. i work at a warehouse and until recently everything was fine. but then we got a new manager. and she started telling me that i can throw boxes around! she says that the stuff inside them breaks! but i need to throw them to get the job done fast. and then also she says i cant smoke inside the warehouse building. but it is at night time and no one cares except her! and plus she says i cant walk on the conveyor belts but i like to because it is fun its like an amusement park ride. if i dont have my fun how am i supposed to work good? so the other day i dressed up in all leather and put an eye patch on and came into warehouse. i went right up to my manager and told her "im getting a little sick of all your rules!!" i told her the boxes dont care if i throw them and she better back off or else there will be problems. and now she said that i was threatening her!! and then they suspended me! all because of my eye patch. she also said i cant wear an eye patch bc its a safety issue... another rule i am sick of!! is there some law so i can get her fired for harassing me or so i can get my suspension suspended?




  1. I think you should consider yourself lucky to only get suspended, I would have fired you.

  2. the both of you should be fired, her for not firing you and you for being an a**hole.

  3. Where I work, when they suspend you it is just to give them enough time to put the paperwork together to fire you.

    If this actually happened, I would do two things if I was you.

    #1 Change your attitude.

    #2 Start looking for a new job.

  4. Re-read what you have written.  You were harassing and insubordinate as well.  You do what your manager instructs you to do, and don't do what she says not to do.

    My feeling is you got off light being suspended, rather than being fired on the spot.

  5. She suspended you...Id have fired you ,and had you and your eye patch tossed to the  curb in about 10 seconds.

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