
Ok i have a question about mi lil sisters period?

by  |  earlier

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she jkust started and im about to take her to the store she called me after my class (im in collage)she is at home alone and she bled all over the couch

1- should i get her tampons or pads

2- what should i get to clean up the blood

3- anything else i should get in the mean time while waiting

4- should i call mom and dad

5- should she stay home from school on teusday




  1. 1. both, but probably pads for now.

    2.stain cleaner. or hydrogen peroxide, but that might bleach it.

    3.get her some bananas, if she has cramps. and cranberry juice.

    4. yes tell your mom

    5. no, unless she is really sick, or hurting. she will be fine. just supply her with tampons and pads.

  2. 1.  Both - probably stick to pads right now.

    2.  Water and stain remover.

    3.  Not that I can think of.

    4.  Call your mom, but if she's embarrased just tell your mom and your mom will tell your dad. They should know about this.

    5.  Depending on if she is handling the situation well and has it under control.  If she does, I suggest she goes to school, but checks often.

    Also, if she has bad cramps or anything, let her stay home.  This can be very emotional for a girl.

  3. 1- Both

    2-Boiling water

    3-painkillers in-case she has tummy ache

    4-just your mum

    5-no she has to learn how to cope with it in school

  4. 1 - Pads, tampons are a bit scary for a girl who just started her period.

    2 - Cold water removes blood, as long as the blood hasn't dried too much.

    3 - Not that I can think of.

    4 - You might want to tell you mother, but I don't think your father needs to know.

    5 - Nah, just explain to her that her period is normal and calm her down. She should be fine to go to school.

  5. 1. Both but tell her to use the pads first then tr the tampons later plus she'll need pads for sleeping anyway.

    2. Hydroxide Peroxide

    3. Not unless you need food or anything maybe she needs shaving things you could always ask if she needs something.

    4. Definitely but tell her to tell them if she doesn't in a month from now you should step in to siduation.

    5. yea do a little girl party take her out shopping to celebrate!

  6. sometimes its just great to be a guy

  7. Get pads because they're easier for her, she'll be stressed out as it is without having to put anything up her..

    Just try soapy water, but if that doesn't work add a bit salt and dab it.This site has lots of ideas

    Don't call your parents, just wait until your mum is home and take her aside and explain that happened.

    See how she's feeling, if she's sore keep her home a day if not send her in with plenty of pads.

  8. pads are usually good to start off with

    when she gets use to her periods then maybe she can use a tampon...

    to clean it up... i say jus go to the shop and read the bottles of cleaners...

    and see whether it says stuff like... removes blood

    ot something like that

    and you might be best off getting her a hot water bottle too...

    if her tummy hurts then that can help...

    and it would be a good idea to tell your mum and dad

    coz then they can help her out if somethings wrong...

    and they'll be wondering why theres blood on the couch :P

    however... maybe she wont feel so comfotable with her dad..

    you kno... coz he's a guy... and he might not know what to do either...

    and if she thinks she wont be able to handle her period well at school

    or shes in pain

    then i think she should have a day off...

    its nice that your helping her out...

    i didnt have an older sister to help me out when i started mine

    so what your doing it really good

    hope this helped as well hun

    sara xx

  9. Pads.

    Try and get some sort of stain remover, just clean it up with normal cleaner and  leave some stain remover on it for a while, say you spilt a drink or a dog peed on the couch or something to excuse your sister to your parents!

    Have a little word with your Mom to explain things later.

    If she feels like she wants to stay home to get adjusted to things, let er, but make sure she does some school work and knows she only stay off because its the first time it happened and she'll have to learn how to cope the following day.

    Load her up with loads of pads and get her a cute little case or make up bag to store them in, a chocolate bar would be a nice treat for her too.

    I'm sure shes freaked out and a bit embarrassed !

    good luck girls!

  10. 1.pads first, if shes comfortable with tampons then give them to her about 3 months after her period amazing

    3.give her warm foods for stomach pains should let your mom know

    5.well if she wants to

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