
Ok i have a school question?

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yeah um this teacher from last year i have him agian this year and he was a *** last year so this year if he pisses me off should i call him a prick lol im always getting in trouble in school so i dont really care




  1. You wouldn't have posted this question if you didn't care.

    I don't want to offend, but if you're always getting into trouble at school and are considering calling your teacher a prick, there is a chance he may think the same about you.

    As a teacher, it is really difficult to maintain patience and keep the 'niceness' up when all students give you back is an 'I don't care' attitude. We are there, whether or not you are. You need to decide how important school is to you and to think about how you would feel, being your teacher, having to deal with having 'difficult' students each day. That teacher probably didn't start off as a 'prick', but after a while, we do get worn down by students and lose it. At that point many of us become like this teacher.

    Try a different approach, remember that school is the way to ensuring that you are a proper citizen in a democracy and that it enables you to compete with those around you for jobs.

    Why don't you try to be the better person, don't give the teacher anything to use against you. You'll see a massive difference in respect if you change from being a 'trouble making' to someone who tries.  

  2. if you really want to...

    I don't suggest that you do, just ask to change classes.

    Give good strong reasons, and maybe he'll be fired :)

    Jk, but seriously, don't call him a prick, you don't know what'll happen.

    But, he might get angry and attack you, like one of my old P.E teachers did to this one guy.

    I know how you feel, one of my teachers got all the credit for something I worked hard on.

    Except now, instead of having his best student, he'll be stuck in the living h**l of failing students.

  3. maybe you could ask to change classes? I mean - if her gets on your nerves that much - it might be good for him aswell!!

    good luck ;)

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