
Ok i have been hearing that i can feed worms to my tiger oscar? so i just wanna giv him a treat if i.........?

by  |  earlier

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bred my own worms could i use those because my grandfather breeds worms and he uses leaves from a tree for the bottom and just regular soil no fertilizer or nothin just dirt and leaves. and he feeds the worms potato peelings watermelon skins all kinds of veggies and fruits there on a all vegetarian and fruit diet no meats no nothin except dirt,veggie skins, fruit skins and thats it and since thats all they eat i thought they would be a good healthy treat for my oscar instead of live feeder fish wouldnt you think? so would these be good fro my tiger oscar like once a month or would they kill him?




  1. Good idea sounds like they will be the healthiest worms around.

            Debbie O

  2. Sure. Just rinse them well before putting them into tank. My picus and jack dempsey love them for a treat

  3. rinse them well and if he is anything like my jack, he will go bonkers over them.  that is a good amount cause my jack only eats a small amount of food when I am not looking unless its live food.

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