
Ok i just found out i was diabetic and am having a hard time changinmy diet help?!?

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well i just hate diet soda it leaves an after taste and i eat a bunch of carbs cuz i love potatoes




  1. I was diagnosed with Diabetes 6 months ago with a BG (Blood Glucose) level of 299/279 (Two tests on two days) and an A1C of 9.9%. I just got my latest blood results from the lab and I'm now at 94 fasting BG and 5.4% A1C. What I did was very simple:

    I avoid the whites (Sugar, White Flour products, White Rice, Potatoes, Etc., in other words, high carbs)

    I eat meats that have feathers or fins.

    I avoid meats with fur.

    I take a brisk 30-35 minute walk every morning.

    As for sugar free sodas, you're a diabetic, pick any drink that doesn't have sugar. Water, tea, diet sodas (you'll get used to them), etc.

  2. 1. Don't drink diet soda.  

    2. Don't drink any soda.

    3. Stop it with the potatoes.

    4. If you don't do 1,2, and 3, at least buy a burial plot and plan your funeral now so your family won't have to deal with it later.

  3. So do you like your toes?  Who is going to take care of you when you are blind with no legs?  I don't mean to be harsh but these are some things I thought about after my diagnosis this past June.

    In order to leave the potatoes behind you need to find some other foods that you really like.  Chicken, eggs, meat, nuts, veggies with dip, krab salad.  Salad with real dressing, quiche (crustless or some use almond flour)  Deviled eggs, omelet with ham cheese sausage sauted onions.  There is a world of delicious food.  When one starts seriously low carbing the carbs don't even appeal anymore.

    For the soda problem you can drink crystal lite, but be careful some have maltodextrin which raises bs, not all the flavors have it though.  Also you can try different brands of diet soda.  I'm not as fond of the flavor either, but I like my toes.

    Honestly Low carb diet is the only diet I've been able to use to lose and keep off weight.  You just eat good foods until you are full, and keep a log of which foods raise your bs.

    You really need to read Atkins Diabetes Revolution or Bernsteins Diabetes Solution.  Meanwhile go to

    Keep in mind that anytime your glucose is over 140 your cells are dying.  The choice is up to you.  You can live to a ripe healthy old age or you can live to a not so old age and be blind and crippled if you insist on eating carbs.  Up to you.

  4. i hated diet soda when i first was diagnosed, you have to find one that isnt so bad and once you drink a few you wont get that after taste, and you can then switch to other diet sodas, diet rootbeer isnt too bad and sugar free koolaid is great, it tastes good and itll get you used to the taste artificial sweeteners can leave behind, youre going to have to change the carbs though, dont deprive yourself totally cuz you will become resentful and that can lead to total slip ups in the diet, you can still have potatoes, just in smaller portions and make sure you take enuf insulin to cover their after effects, technically you can eat anything you want as long as you take enuf insulin, i dont recommend eating whatever you want, just go one day at a time and wean yourself off of the high carbs slowly while still keeping your sugars in control.

  5. well you either let the disease control you, and ultimately end your life, or you control the's up to you.  If you haven't seen a nutritionist, then you'd best do so, and it would be a good idea to see a diabetic educator as well, so you can be prepared to control the disease.

  6. Eat balanced meals and diet tastes good.

  7. Don't focus on what you currently eat that must be reduced. This kind of change is hard to discipline yourself to. Unless you really want to improve your diabetic condition. Look for a variety new foods that are good for you.

    I like Taste of Home site. Great menus that are good for you and you family as well as easy to prepare.

    Best Wishes.  

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