
Ok i just got a ticket for 81 in 55 in the interstate in a contuction zone in alabama. whats going to happen?

by  |  earlier

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there where no worker so fines are not doubled but the officer wrote 25 over. and does anyone know what the speed limit is in alabama in construction zones?




  1. holy cow your lucky your not in jail do you still have your vehicle wow

    in many states it is also double points

    man your lucky

  2. Speeding (25 mph or more over posted speed)

    Fine  $40.00  

    Costs  $108.00  

    Total  $148.00  

    I could not fine the speed limit but for the ticket to be doubled the Alabama laws requires that the worker "must" be present...

  3. If you had gotten this ticket up north, you would be riding a bike for a year, plus a $500 fine.

    You were speeding, and you will pay for it. You will probably be placed on probation for 3 years by the DMV due to points.

    Go to court and see what happens.

    Good luck.

  4. construction zone is just that doesnt mater if you saw anyone working or not they could have been there you was speend and got caught im sure the speed limit was posted some where it is most always there many times tell you to slow down here is double the fine no matter what time of day id say you are looking at 300 bucks or better

  5. Great, now you did it. You'e going to h**l in a bucket

  6. well, if you were actually doing 81 in a 55, its probably going to be speeding, reckless driving, reckless endangerment (due to the construction zone) so you will get a big fine and you might lose your license, depending on the judge

  7. The doom and gloom above is not true - the ticket will tell you what the fine is per mile and then you have to double it because it occurred in a work zone - if you have several tickets in a year then your insurance may go up but if that is not the case then you simply pay the fine

    Every state is different but most states allow one drivers ed class per year to dismiss a ticket - this would be a great time to do that as this ticket will be a little expensive

    don't freak - everybody gets tickets - speed limits are too low and most people view this as a way for local governments to get revenue

  8. bend over and grab your ankles.

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