
Ok i just got an iguana and it wont p**p or eat and it looks bloated what should i do please help

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Ok i just got an iguana and it wont p**p or eat and it looks bloated what should i do please help




  1. run 8 inches or warm water in a bath tub.  absolutly no soap film should  be left on tub before filling it. Ingesting soap can kill them.  I don't know how big ur  iguana is but just put him in a warm bath. they LOVE the warmth. let him or her do a few laps around the tup then reach in and nicely lift her tail out and above the waterline.  just nicely holding it and she will go.   It took mine 5 minutes 1 day. He ate a lot. He's 6 yrs old..14 lbs.  and  bout 5and a half feet.. He Loves his bath time. ALSO...If its a girl ,youll see clear stuff and poo.   If it's a boy however you'll see A Lot of white ..uhh stuff.   If a male doesnt mate he must drop his sperm sack every month.  it's a little round white barrell...      Main thing is Warmth.     Good Luck.

  2. Are you keeping its cage or tank warm enough? Iguanas need a basking light for heat - the area it sits under the light should be between 92-98 degrees. It's cage tempreture outside the basking area should be at least 75 degrees. If they don't have a basking light they can't digest their food properly and will go bad in their tummies and poison them. If you think this is the case you can get a cheap thermometer at any store that sells reptiles to check the temp for around $5. It's worth it as if you guess at the tempreture and you're wrong the iguana could get very sick or even die if its kept too cold for too long.

    One other thing that could be making it sick is its bedding. Iguanas should be kept with newspaper only as bedding and as a cage liner. Bark, sand, moss etc looks pretty but iguanas 'taste' everything in their cage and usually swallow any loose bedding. If it has swallowed pieces of its bedding this could be what is blocking the pipes. If you think this might be the case best bet is to take it to the vet for a checkup. Better safe than sorry!

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