
Ok i just made this joke and tell howz honestly?

by  |  earlier

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once in a school the teacher was teaching there were 2 boys john and johny so johny stood up and told that john was saying him bad words and thr teacher scolded john and asked him y he john replied that he didnt .the teacher told that she would take him to the principles office if he will not tell the truth .so john told that i dont know any bad words iam telling the truth iam not corrupted and teacher told now i will tell the principle and john told iam telling the truth iam not corrupted and dont know any bad word u fuc***




  1. but wrs is the joke?????????????????

  2. lol, that was a bit of a waste of time

  3. not the best joke but it isn't that bad also, at the end it brought a smile to my face :)

  4. mot very good frnd.....but sood to bring a smile........good one

  5. Thats a PJ ..

    but ya i have a smile on my face

    Plz visit

  6. hehehehehe.............

    good one.........

  7. The funniest part of the whole question was that this was posted in the wrong section???

    Please dont tell anymore jokes :(

  8. I don't know how to say bad words too!!!Fuc*!That was a good joke!!!

  9. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  10. it isn't so good to tell u honestly.

  11. i just wasted 1 minute of my life reading that c**p. You suck bad!

  12. Don't quit your day job.

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