
Ok i know this sounds really dumb but im moving into my first place.....?

by  |  earlier

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im movinh into my first place, it will be me and my boyfriend of 6 years, neither of us have lived out of our parents house before, except for the past 8 months i moved into his parents basement with him, now we are about to move into a home, everyone is tellign me we will need lots of stuff, im 21 so you would think im old enough to know what all i will need, but i keep thinking of things that i diddnt realize i would need, so long story short, im looking for some kind of check list, with kitchen stuff, bathroom, bedrom, ect, this place has a huge kitchen, 2 bed rooms and 2 baths. if this helps. please help me think of things i need to buy.

also if anyone knows bargens this would help alot to as we dont have anything except the entertainment center and the broken recliner the old residents are leaving behind for us....

please help, im such a novice at this!




  1. Just go to the Salvation Army or Goodwill store and start looking around. You'll see pretty much everything you need, including some things you've never even thought of. Make your list there, while you're walking around the store.

    Also, remember you don't have to buy everything before you even move in. On your first night in the house, if you realize you forgot to buy, say, a bathroom wastebasket, then you can throw your trash in a paper bag until you get around to going to Target to buy one. It's not a big deal. I'm sure you'll be able to think of all the basic stuff yourself, and you can buy the non-essentials as the money and opportunity arise.

    Oh, except for the one thing that everyone always forgets about until they discover they need one: a toilet plunger. Make sure you have one of those.

  2. Go to

    Its a college checklist but it will help you get started.

  3. I really like having a deep-chest freezer, when there's a

    sale on frozen pizza, a good price on frozen meat, or

    whatever, I can really stock up...

  4. Shower curtain

    bath towels

    dish soap

    dish cloths

    trash bags

    food storage containers


    new door locks

    toilet paper

    light bulbs

    mop or broom

    vacuum cleaner

    cleaning supplies

    toilet plunger

    paper towels

    laundry baskets and a hamper

    a tool kit for everyday repairs

    a mail box if your house needs one

    a hammer and one of each philips and flat head s***w drivers


    I hope this stuff helps! We just moved too.

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