
Ok i missed 3 pills, but then i took them all at once, and had un protected s*x, can i be preg?

by  |  earlier

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Ok i missed 3 pills, but then i took them all at once, and had un protected s*x, can i be preg?




  1. Yes you can be pregnant. Usually if you miss 3 pills in a row you need to start a new pack because each pill has a certain dose of hormones. You should never take 3 pills all at once because those hormones will throw your body way off. You should take a pregnancy test and see your doctor for confirmation. It is best to use safer s*x practices along with the pill b/c the pill isn't even 100% effective but most importantlly take them on time once a day. The way I remember to take them is I set up an alert on my phone at 5pm daily so I don't forget. Good luck.

  2. Yes. Take your pills faithfully, duh.

  3. Yes, technically you can. You're not supposed to take several pills in one go, even if you've missed them before, and missing pills makes the pills you did take that month ineffective.

    I'm not saying you are pregnant (only a pregnancy test can tell that) but in the future, be more careful please! If you can't take the pills when you're supposed to, it's better to stop than to give yourself a false sense of security. That's what my doctor told me when she suggested I look for another contraception method.

  4. There is always that possibility. I don't know why you would take that chance.


  6. If you missed 3 pills you missed them taking them at once will not help at all

  7. YES!!!!!

  8. gaaal, you are soooo pregnant this time!

  9. mayb wait til you u miss your period... if u do take a test...

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