
Ok i need a straight answer for limewire!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok ive heard really good things about limewire, but really bad things as well.

is it gunna s***w up my puter if i download it?

ive heard u had to look at the files..?

what files are ok and wat are bad?

please help im sick of not being able to find songs on itunes!!!

and do u recommend any other RELIABLE sites for downloading song onto ur ipod?





  1. well id recommend amazon for mp3 downloads because mainly they support duty free music meaning that it isnt limited like itunes music is in how many times you can burn it or w/e else. As far as limewire goes, limewire itself will not infect your computer, but what you download using limewire can. Limewire basically just looks up the info and then you download using it, so it isnt harmful, but sometimes files you download can be. I use it and havent had problems, but there is a chance you might download a virus. You take the risk of downloading spyware and viruses for getting free music.

  2. Limewire is a good site if used carefully. Always read titles on songs. Remember to scan each file to make sure it has no viruses. Always close the program after use is complete. Other then that, you should be ok.

  3. The only bad things you hear are from people who HAD bad experiences with LimeWire. They're saying "I don't like it, so I don't think anyone else should either."

    For those who don't know what to look for, LimeWire can be dangerous for viruses.

    If you're downloading songs, look for a good file size. Size in kilobytes is somewhat proportional to the length of a song. For a 128-kbps song (your average file format, which will be shown along with the size and title), expect around 1,000 kb per minute in a song. The higher this bitrate, the larger the proportion.

    Also, look at the logo of the file when searching for music. If it shows a zipped folder, do not download it.

    Another red flag is in the title. For example, if you look for "How About That" by Bad Company, a good file would be titled "Bad Company - How About That". A bad file will be named "bad company how about that" and will be a very small file.

    There are people who don't know how to use tools like LimeWire; don't let them scare you. I've used it for several years now and I have never had a single virus, simply by following these small guidelines.

    Good luck, and happy downloading. =]

  4. Hi!

    First the caveat: Downloading copyright protected music without paying the owner is illegal and enforced by federal law (I have a cousin here in New York paying out because he got busted at his university using Limewire.)

    Second: Limewire the application won't give you a virus or damage your computer.  It's a great file-sharing program.  Downloading "hot" files will give you a virus real quick though!  Be careful with what you're looking for.  Most songs are about 3MB in size.  If you find one that's trying to be the latest hit but it's 15MB, there's probably something else going on there.  If it's too small (30Kb or something) it could be an advertisement or a file that isn't even trying to hide the fact that it's a virus.  Be careful!  There is a bandit around every corner of file sharing.

    If you're going to download files without knowing the source, Limewire is good at that, just do it from a computer that you don't mind getting dragged through the dirt!

    Take care,


  5. is good for finding all types of songs and you can download it from the account to the itunes program limewire is ok if its just for songs anything that says mp3 under the type

    mp3 = for songs compatible with any player

    mpeg = for videos compatible with any player

    mov = videos for quicktime player - would maybe work with itunes if you have the combo

    wmv = songs and videos for windows media player - might work with i tunes

    zip = is a folder if you dont know much about files dont risk the chance of a virus

    other than that if its just songs and videos you want go to imeem or youtube its less of the trouble with risk  

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