
Ok i need good pranks for tee peeing??

by  |  earlier

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My soccer team and I are going to tee pee our coaches house.

Are there any good pranks that WON'T cause and damage??




  1. Saran wrap the door way, so when he tries to come out in the morning, BANG! he runs into the saran, or saran wrap the car, its a pain in the but to or use shaving cream to write things, it is easily washable....just using a hose...just hope that it doesn't rain, it would make cleaning up the TP a b*tch!

  2. Take chalk and write things all over the driveway, THEN put some of those pop-its ( fireworks ) and put them under the doormat so they all pop when he leaves the house, THEN tape most the doors shut, and put fake squirrels in the mail box, lolz.

  3. dont mean to sound like a bummer bob hear but dont saran wrap the house doors, think about it wat if theres a fire or a differant emergency, just stick to toilet paper its original and funner than shaving cream or other pranks you do while tping

  4. DO NOT USE SHAVING CREAM ON THE CAR! One of my friends did that, and it peeled the paint off the person's car. She had to pay for it.

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