
Ok i need some advice an what to take out or to add to my new yu-gi-oh warrior deck this deck is dark based)?

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ok like i said its dark monster based but there is a few non dark monsters this deck is also based on powering up dark crusder


Vengeful Shinobi x3

Dark Crusader x2

The Immortal Bushi x2

Destiny Hero - Departed x2

Destiny Hero - Dunker x2

Destiny Hero - Defender

Destiny Hero - Fear Monger

The Six Samuria - Yariza

The Six Samuria - Kamon

The Six Samuria - Zanji

The Six Samuria - Irou

Shien's Footsoldier

Hayabusha Knight

Fire Trooper

Gearfried The Iron Knight

Chthonian Soldier

D.D. Survivor

Dark Scorpion - Chick The Yellow

Getsu Fuhma


Sakuretsu Armor x2

Spellbinding Circle

Divine Wrath

Success Probability 0%

Dimension Wall

Cloak And Dagger

Magic Cylinder

Negate Attack

Bottomless Trap Hole


Tribute To The Doomed x2

Magical Mallet

Monster Reborn

Creature Seizure

Hammer Shot

Mirage Tube

Malevolent Nuzzler

Lightning Vortex

Double Attack

Monster Reincarnation


Black Pendant

Nobleman Of Crossout

Armed Changer

alright thats it




  1. For one thing, this deck requires speed, and it is totally lacking in that, you need to stick to the 40 card minimum or at least an amount close to 40, and have a lot of searchers and the D-Heroes can't function very properly without their major support cards or other D-Heroes. Here is a good deck list

    Monsters: 23

    Vengeful Shinobi x2

    Dark Crusader x2

    Dark Grehper x2

    The Immortal Bushi x2

    Marauding Captain x2

    D.D. Survivor x2

    Gearfried The Iron Knight x2

    Armed Samurai-Ben Kei x2

    Mystic Tomato x3

    D.D. Warrior Lady

    Mataza the Zapper

    Gearfried the Swordmaster

    Prometheus, King of Shadows

    Spells: 14

    Reinforcement of the Army x2

    Mystical Space Typhoon

    Heavy Storm

    Monster Reborn

    Card of Sanctity

    Lightning Vortex

    Hammer Shot

    United We Stand

    Mage Power

    Arms Hole

    Fusion Sword Murasame Blade

    Release Restraint

    Swords of Concealing Light


    Magic Cylinder

    Blast with Chain

    Magic Jammer

    Royal Decree

    Mirror Force

    Sakuretsu Armor

    This is the best I can do so far, hope I helped.

  2. i would focus on either d hero, or six samuria. i would go 6 sam cuz their awesome. but yea you got a lot lot of unnecessary cards. why do you have gearfried at all? unless you have some combo i dont see its useless here. use mat the zapper instead of hayabusha knight. 300 more attack and its dark to match your theme, hayabusha is earth. get rid of tribute to the doom and get 1 more lightening vortex. get rid of all your equip cards and use mage power, united we stand or axe of dispear. all the others like black pendent, megamorph, nuzzler are c**p. forget negate attack and get mirror force.

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