
Ok i put up some flayers saying that i will babysit how many people do you think will call???

by  |  earlier

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Ok i put up some flayers saying that i will babysit how many people do you think will call???




  1. Probably not very many, if any.  A better suggestion would be to take your flyer, with your info on it, around to neighbors that have kids and introduce yourself and let them know you are available if they need a sitter.

  2. 3.5 people

  3. the few that are stupid enough think you are not going to steal.

  4. It depends how many fliers you put up.

  5. you should do it probably around you're neighborhood and post it up mostly on mail-boxes. or go door to door to neighbors you actually know and hand them a flier with at least :

    You're name.


    Phone Number.

    Price Range.

    When you can babysit. [ Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc ]

    maybe a pic at the bottem. [ just for looks though lol ]

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