
Ok i shaved and i need advice...?

by Guest65697  |  earlier

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Ok so i just shaved like a few min. ago , because i thought it would be awkward to ask my mom or dad. So well my dad is in vegas for 2 days and my mom will be back 2marrow. So i decided 2 shave. What do you guys think their reaction will be? I kind of regret it, cuz im scared of what therye gonna. say. Im 15. And they wont be mad theyll prob. just be shocked wouldnt they?




  1. Most guys shave their facial hair.  Why would your Mom and Dad be shocked?  Only if it is against your religion to shave will it be an issue.

    Why would they be shocked or mad?  Relax.

    It's your beard.

  2. Y would they be angry that u shaved??¿¿??

  3. Why does your mom and dad need to know anything?

  4. I dont see why they would be mad... if anything they might tease you the way parents do when you start going through puberty... "awww, my son is becoming a man", type thing.  You are fine :)

    Hey, dont worry about it, it will grow back soon enough .  I change my look all the time.  Goatee, soal patch, chin strap, and currently I am sporting a really short beard.  In my case, I think facial hair improves my look because my eyebrows are somewhat thick and it "evens it out" my face.  There are some looks I dont like, but I wouldn't have known that until I tried it.

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