
Ok i stay home all day and get bored often, is there anything easy i can do like maybe on the computer?

by  |  earlier

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I get VERY bored




  1. sure there is.One thing  you could do is answer questions of other people to help them out with there problems.If you're a game pearson you could go to a game web sit and play some games,which is easy and fun.You could also go check out YuTube.Or you could find some people on here and chat.If you're a writer you could type a story or a poem.You coul go to a web site about world news ,well that wouldnt be any fun.You should try these suggestions out.

  2. yes..... ALOT puzzlepruiates dragonfable habbohotel runescape    

    ummmm lets see theres fantasybaseball umm go on shockwave lots of fun online games there or regular games also or either one  lol 1 may not work (prolly spelled rong) ok umm clubpenguin well lots more but this is what i can help you with hope i REALLY helped you :D

  3. i understand caues i do they same thing. 1 theres myspace. 2 game garage has tons of games. also not on the computor i started geting really intrested in fortune teling its really fun to do and i'm hoocked.

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