
Ok i think i might change my name to miss fickle!!!?

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seriously i'm starting to see why i fall out with people, lucky you can't change your children i would have probably tried to do that already!!!

i think i might want darnell to win if rex doesn't!!!

i know you really don't have to show me my answers hating darnell only a week or so ago!!!

but i have now seen sara for what she is and don't think that darnell should lose his chance to win cause of that

anyways anyone agree ???? (got to put a question somewhere!!)




  1. At least you know what you're getting with Darnell warts & all & I admire him for being himself when it would have been easier to l**k @rse like some of them . Sara has used housemates to avoid being nominated & people are starting to see her for the player she really is. Darnell should win.

  2. Are you talking in code or is this a youfanisom for some thing else entiely is this a BB thinggggg  

  3. Yeah, i'm back to wanting Darnell to win, if not him then Rex, if Mikey or Rachel wins then BB can feck off forever!  

  4. I so want Darnell to win Karley - he deserves it after all he has been through in that House and because it might go some way for him to accept himself if he sees others accept him for him and not reject him for how he looks.  No way would I ever want arrogant bully Rex to win - hope he is out next.

  5. K.

  6. Darnell to win

  7. Rex is horible, he doesnt need the money, give it to a real person like Mikey and not a player like Rachel!

    BTW, u need to go to the doctors and get ur head tested!

  8. change it to miss ugly instead

  9. ugh....sure

  10. Anyone to win so long as it is not Rex.

  11. Rex to win, he is great.xx

  12. Sara should win, she may be loud and a bit annoying but, in my opinion, she's the only genuinely nice person there.

  13. At least you have the guts to come on and say that you MAY have been wrong about something...

    all the other members of the LYNCH Darnell mob have been hiding ever since SARA got into that pool with him...hey all know they over-reacted... (if they are smart enough).. and they can all see what she is doing now... if over 13...

    ..but do they come on and admit it...???

    dR bad

    you decide.. .

  14. lol ... yeah, I felt really pee'd off with Darnell too but I think Sara and Darnell are as bad as each other.

    He always viewed Kat as his main competition and yet he was genuinely upset that she left.. I thought that was quite sweet of him.

  15. just    because   rex   doesnt   need    the    money   that    shouldn't    stop    him    winning   .     he    is   giving   most    of  it   to charity   any way  

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