
Ok i want a tattoo on my forearm?

by Guest34195  |  earlier

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Ok so I want a Tattoo on my forearm but i have a lot of scars can u tattoo over scars?>




  1. yes. many people who normally wouldnt even get tattood get them just to cover up scarring from surgery or something

    not all artists can make it look unnoticeable so pay the extra and go to an artist who is confident he can hide them

  2. yes i got a tattoo over a streach mark

  3. scars from cutting?  

  4. A competent tattooist can work over areas of scarring where ever they may be on the body.

    However because the skin texture from scarred areas to none scarred areas changes considerably it does make it much harder to tattoo well.  Some areas will not take the ink as well as others and tattoos over scar tissue may need touch up work after the initial healing.

    What I would suggest is that you go into several studios and ask the artists to show you work they have done over scars for previous clients.

    For this to work and the tattoo to look decent you must make sure the artist is confident they can do a good job.

    Also be prepared for the areas where the scars are to hurt more, especially if they are recent scars.

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