
Ok i want to be a...?

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for people with experience with this!!!

ok i am going into the 8th grade and i have been thinking in my junior year of high school i want to be a foreign exchange student to either Australia or England. what should i do to start preparing and how much does it it worth it?




  1. I am studying abroad this fall, except I am a sophomore in college. I would definitely say that you should go abroad whenever you can. The earlier the better! Once you are out of school you will have fewer and fewer chances to go out and see the world. Usually it is easier to study abroad in college because they encourage you to do so and have plans set up for students and everything. However, my older sister studied abroad in the Dominican Republic when she was in high school. It is possible, just not as common. To find a good program I would recommend going to your counselor when you get to high school. They should know what to do or can give you further direction. Programs are at a pretty good price for student's these days, so that's another reason to go sooner rather than later! (I'm not sure the exact price, it depends on the program). All I can say is that you should definitely go, it WILL be worth it, and you will NEVER regret it. You will actually regret NOT going. Go girl!

  2. Since your thinking about this earlier than most you'll have time to earn the money you need to pay for your exchange. I'm very familiar with the AFS exchange program, I highly recommend it! However, they don't exchange to the UK because there weren't enough volunteers. There are three Australia programs- full year, semester, and summer homestay plus. The prices range from 7000 to 11000, it's not cheap but definitely worth it! You have 3 years until your Junior year so you've got plenty of time to prepare. You could probably start by looking at the application forms, learning about your host country, and earning/fundraising money.

    Good Luck!

  3. 15000$ and get very good grades
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