
Ok im 13 and i want my belly button pierced?

by  |  earlier

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And my grandma said that she will take me when im 15. But my mom said that if she does that i will have to live with her because its trashy. Im not fat at all i kinda have abs and im 5 4 or 5 5 and i weigh 110. So do you think that i should

1) Do it anyways

2) Wait till im 18

or 3) Try and beg my mom to let me

Also how bad does it hurt?? Like everyone said that doing my cartilage would her for just a second it hurt like h**l! and more than a second. Dont think you will scare me because i want to know the truth im not that good with pain




  1. Grow Up, why would you need a belly button piercing at that age? Obviously your mom is kinda right, at that age it is a bit S****y. If you do it, which you can't unless if you do it illegally, and if you get your grandma to take you imagine the fight YOU'LL put between them b/c you were being selfish.

    2 is the most logical idea, your legaleing.

    3 your being a brat.  

  2. ok look i am 14 ans i am getting my done for my 15th birthday and i know that is is going 2 hurt like h**l and i do know that the day u get it done it is going 2 hurt and i know that night it is going 2 be hard 2 go to sleep and the next day u might not be able 2 wear some tim of cloths or tight cloths cause if it mess with it it is going 2 hurt and it can get infected real easy so u have 2 clean it all day long all most so it is up to if it mean living with ur grandma instead of ur mom then do it i say u need 2 what till u turn 15 but do what want i do not have mine done but all of my friends do so they have told me everything  

  3. i would say a combination of both 2 and 3 talk to ur mom and come up with a compromise. tell her ill wait until im 18 or something becasue u dnt want to ruin ur relationship with ur mom over a piercing ull regret it and as for the pain i have no idea what its like and u dnt wanna do it now ur young

  4. I think you just want your belly button pierced to look "cool". Having a belly button piercing will mean wearing midriff shirts so people can see it, otherwise what's the point if it's covered up? No one will think your a nice, respectable girl if your walking around with your stomach eposed and jewerly hanging out of your stomach. What's next- eyebrows, tongue? Tattoos? You're too young to be even thinking about any of that.

  5. Wait until you are 18. It's not worth it to get into an argument over it when it's probably not that big of a deal.  

  6. well im 14

    but i had my bellybutton pierced when i was 13.

    talk to you mom about it.

    explain to her why you want it and that no ones gonna see it unless your wearing a bathing suit.

    you cant get it done at a good place without a parent there (or someone over 18) so you cant just do it anyways. unless you want to do it yourself, which is a horrible idea cause it probably will et infected.

    i dont think its trashy at all! i really dont see why everyone flips out about teens getting peircings. i have my bellybutton, nose, ears (twice) and im getting my cartilage done. and im the farthest thing from S****y.  

    haha anyways, getting off topic.

    well for me it hurt pretty bad.

    they didnt freeze mine or anything so i like felt the needle go through.

    but it doesnt hurt at all afterwards. its just when they actually put the needle in.

    just dont get it caught on anything - cause that reaaaally hurts haha

    good luck :)  

  7. it is trashy,

  8. I had mine down when I was 13 and it doesn't hurt- I swear. Well from my point of view it doesn't but everyone has a different pain tolerance. When I had mine done, the only bit that hurt was when they had to clamp the skin. After that they sprayed stuff on my belly button that froze it, so I couldn't feel anything. I didn't even realise the needle was through.

    Just talk to your mom about why she thinks its trashy. My dad's a Col. in the USAF and he doesn't think its trashy. He thought it was pretty. If you don't mind living with your grandma, then go for it!

    Good luck!  

  9. This isn't a multiple choice question.

    If you do it anyways, then you're just an idiot. That's just an indication of how ignorant and naive you are. You're 13, you're super young. You're not old or even middle age teenager, you're a young little girl, girly. Wait till you you're 16, then see what happens. But right now, you have no reason to have your belly button pierced. You probably won't be able to understand that, but I sure as h**l hope you are able to wait, because you will be making a bad decision if you go ahead and do it anyways.

  10. Yuk, please don't. I think their disgusting. Please take no offence from me.

  11. you could go to a sewing store purchase a needle big enough and pierce it urself and dont tell her

  12. Really don't do it.. Think about it yeah it will look nice bout think bout the consequences like wen u take it off u can have the hole or scars forever and if u think ur never gonna take it off think bout you having kids ur not just gonna leave it there wen ur pregnant so I personally don't think u should try piercing ur eyebrow, lip,upper lip or something else but not ur belly button its too risky.. Well hope I helped.. But that was just my opinion

  13. I hear it hurts like a MO FO and they use a really THICK GAGE post, and I saw a few photos of botched piercings.. and the girls were damaged and scared for life there!! Is that worth it??? Do some more research, it takes a lot to take care of while its healing and I really don't think your old enough GOOD LUCK

  14. that's so dumb you don have to be eighteen to do it you only have to be 15 and its not trashy its not like your going and getting something Else pierced it your belly button. i got mine at 15 but ididn'tt want it till then i don't see why parents go all crazy like that and say they are going to kick you out for that good thing your not having a baby then what's she going to do? they only thing shes ganna make you do is take it out. and it hurts a lil bit.well idk that's my opinion good luck

  15. My mom let me get mine done when I was 14. For my birthday, and thats all I asked for.

    Persuade her, tell her. No one will see it unless your in a swimming suit.

    Or something like that.

    And no, it doesnt hurt AT ALL. Its just alittle pinch. And then your done. It bleeds alittle. But its not bad at all.

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