
Ok im 16 years old and I am currently dating a 13 year old, is this considered strange?

by Guest32654  |  earlier

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well my girlfriend is 13 years of age and is quite mature for her age, and I am 16 years old and I have had a good upbringing and I treat her with the up most respect she deserves, and until I started dating her I had severe depression. She has helped me stop smoking, drinking and because my depression has vanished she also helps me with maintaining focus in school and get better grades, so she has brought nothing but happiness to me except for the fact people criticize me on how young she is. I'm not quite sure what to do anymore. I could use all the advise you can give me, Thank you




  1. She is really too young to be a g/f and in a relationship.  A good and supportive friend is best with her right now.

  2. I don't know... it does seem a little young, only because you are both teenagers. (Once you hit your 20's-ish, 3 years really isn't a big difference any more.)

    As long as you aren't getting too physical, I don't really see a problem with it.

    I'm glad she has helped you clean up, but don't get to dependent on her! You don't want to slip back into old habits if something happens and you aren't together any more. Make sure you cleaned up for YOU and not just for her!!


  3. were in a similar situation;...

    (please answer if you dont mind)

    there is a big age gap between you two. I understand the looks from people...but as long as you dont try something on her then it shouldnt be a do her parents feel about this? and yours?

    i think if the family is good with it, then you should be ok.

  4. Depending on what state your in it could be illegal but at the same time it could be legal too. I say stay with her. Your causing no harm.

  5. wow! thats awesome! good for both of you. while it isn't "normal" if she's a good girl and you treat each other right, then i say that you stay together =]

  6. Aw, she must be a sweetheart. (:

    Just ignore the people who criticize your relationship. If she makes you feel that good and has turned your life around so drastically, it looks like you've found one great girl.

    And the age difference is only around three years, which isn't bad at all. There are relationships out there with 10 or 20 years difference that work out fine - three years is no problem. (:

  7. no. I was 12 when i had a boyfriend that was 16. Girls LOVE older guys.  x

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