
Ok im a vegitaran and want to turn vegan?

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well i need some help beacause i dont know any subsitusions for dairy products or my limitaitions on what i can or cant eat help plz




  1. Go to : they have all the answers. They are NY based but are spreading out...I know the treasurer on board first hand for 30 + years. Just mention Jenn South. n Rob sent ya.

  2. Here's one I found just this morning:

    It has a link to 21 podcasts of 8 to 12 minutes each which cover:


    getting adequate nutrition, setting up your kitchen, and avoiding animal ingredients, as well as offer plenty of answers to the common question, "What do I eat?" As Erik says, it's not about discipline and cutting things out: "Rather than cut out foods, crowd them out. Your main job will be to try as many vegan foods as possible....The more foods you try, the more sensational options you'll discover."


    There's also a veg blog search there to find vegan blogs and recipes:

    These are good resources too:

    And more supportive, inspiring and educational podcasts to listen to:

    Back episodes with summaries:

    Have fun with this. It will make it more enjoyable and you'll stick to it longer if you treat it as an adventure. You will discover so many great things.

  3. Instead of dairy use soy or rice milk. People don't need milk anyway: leafy green veggies and beans will give you everything that can be found in milk minus the cholesterol.

  4. If you have a local market like Sprouts, Central Market or Market Street, or Wal-Mart/ Target even (sometimes), you can easily find replacement items like soy yogurt (my favorite it Silk Live!), soy milk (my favorite is Silk Vanilla), non-dairy butter (you can find Smart Balance Light Margerine at Wal-Mart, and it tastes just like butter. You have to get the Light kind though, because all of the others have whey in them).  Many stores also have Soy Dream and Rice Dream-- they are like ice cream. My favorite is Rice Dream Swiss Almond.

    If you don't like Soy milk, many places also carry Rice Milk and Almond milk.

    A good site to check out is

    The site lists items that you would buy on a regular basis that happen to be vegan.

    Skinny ***** is a great book to read if you're trying to figure out the whole vegan thing. If you don't want to purchase it, check your local library, and if they don't have it, request it! I work at a teeny-tiny library, and we have a copy.

    If you're looking for cooking ideas, I recomend Vegan With a Vengance and Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World, both by Isa Moskowitz. Another good one is Skinny ***** in the Kitch.

    Also check out It's a site run by Isa Moskowitz, and there are recipes, youtube videos, and all sorts of cool stuff to help you out.

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