
Ok im gonna ask it again cause i dont know how to extend my frist question?

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why does rounders, or baseball only have 9 innings like why not 10 which is an even number,,,

so if any one knows tell me ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

cheers Katlyn




  1. There are no reasons only that Baseball seems to be a game built on odd numbers. 9 players on a team, 3 outs per inning, 9 innings, 3 strikes and your out, bases are 90 feet apart.

  2. It's a good question and I don't know that anyone will have a definitive answer.  

    For baseball....

    The Base Ball Convention of 1857 held in New York on January 22, 1857, by former Knickerbocker President Daniel "Doc" Adams, was the first convention of its kind. Over a dozen clubs sent delegates to the meetings. During this convention Adams was elected President of the Convention and headed the Committee on Rules and Regulations.

    Adams changed the length of the game to nine equal innings, instead of declaring the first team to score 21 "aces" or runs, the winner. Adams also declared that five innings must be played to be declared a game.

    Why nine?  It's not stated.  Best guess is that it is to match the number of players for some reason.  Why nine players?  They agreed that was the right amount for the configuration of the field, not too many to make difficult to get a base hit, not too few to make it too easy.

    Another guess is that it was just the right amount based on time.  It was taking increasingly longer to score 21 'aces'.  They probably wanted the games to last about 2 hours and 9 innings seemed to be about right at that time.

    There is also the affinity toward the number 3 in baseball.  (3 Strikes, 3 outs, 3 bases, etc.)  Three innings would be too few, so why not 3x3?

    Any or all of these may have come into their thinking when setting the rule.

    I'm no expert on Rounders, but accoring to the National Rounders Association in England, a game consists of two innings and 9 outs per half-inning.  In the Irish Gaelic Athletic Association, they play 5 to 7 innings, depending on level, with 3 outs per half inning, so it doesn't apply to baseball here.

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